i'm sick to my stomach all day long.

can someone please let me know if they went though this?and,what helped them..i't been four weeks since my surgery.i can't take much more..also i have to force myself to eat.thank you,    — vicki K. (posted on January 26, 2003)

January 26, 2003
I'm right there with ya sister! I'm five weeks post op - the first two were OK, but I was on full liquids. When I went to semi soft I just didn't do well. It's pouch irritation for me, as I introduce new foods I can easily get nauseated and sick. I do have to force myself to eat. Heck, I've gotten sick just drinking water! If I have a bad spell, I go back to liquids, and concentrate on 40 oz of water and getting two protein shakes a day in. Thank God I found two brands I can tolerate. If I eat, OK, If not that OK too. I'm finding it's getting better by me not trying to follow a timeline in my head (like I think I should be eating ground meat by now, so I keep trying and keep getting sick). So I'm just doing it slower than others. My weight loss is great, and my energy is SLOWLY coming back. I'm hoping this neausea is over by 8 weeks...if not then I'm bringing it up with my docs. Hope this helps to let you know you are not alone.
   — Susan F.

January 26, 2003
I know it's hard, but hang in there! I didn't usually experience naseau much myself, but it is so very common with the surgery, esp. right after. I know it's frustrating, but it will pass eventually. I had to force myself to eat for the first 6 months. WHo would have ever thought that could happen to me!?! But I am now 8 months out and eat ok, b/c I actually get hungry now. What does help me with naseau was saltines. I carried them everywhere I went. See if that helps you! Goodluck to you, i promise it will pass!
   — Lezlie Y.

January 26, 2003
Oh I remember those days. I am 6 mths post op and feel great!. But, I had posted the same question, I did not think I would ever feel normal again, but at about 6 weeks out I felt better, then things just get better and better. Hang in there! Lisa Werblow 106lbs down
   — Lisa W.

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