I need to know what to do next regarding my RNY failing

I had the surgery in 7/99, I had a hell of a time losing any weight and finally lost in the last couple of months of 99 the nearly 50 lbs, for a total of 85 lbs. Had to have a subsequent surgery for a small bowel obstruction in 12/99 and lost 10 lbs more. Stayed at that loss until 9/02 approx. I noticed I had gained 10 lbs as much as 15 but fluxuated. I have noticed a steady increase in HUNGER and gaining of weight. I had to have a contrast scan because they didnt know whether I had a hernia even tho part of my belly stuck WAY OUT. Anyhow the results were as follows, 1) 5 hernias, 2) a mass on the adrenal gland above the right kidney, 3) the stapled area has a section that has reopened. Doc tells me this and this is why I am hungry and why I have gained a few lbs. Now what is to be done, she said she doesn't know since she isn't the specialist. I am no awaiting to see the specialist but I want to have information in hand when I go to share. I have found SOMETIMES these docs need some further information. So anyone who has information I would truly appreciate it.    — Becki M. (posted on January 24, 2003)

January 24, 2003
I am not as knowledgable on these things (and you don't say that you are transected or not) but if they were headed in there to fix other problems, I would push for a transection while they are at it... and just a general obserbvation on how small your stoma actually is. If I had a chance to do it all again, I would beg my Doc for the smallest stoma he made... now that may not be healthy thinking; but my mind is a little warped.
   — Karen R.

January 24, 2003
Beckie, I agree with Karen. If you have had a staple area that has reopened, then you are not transected. It is not unusual for those who are not transected to have this occur years after their original surgery. If they have to go in to clear out the hernias, might as well as for a revision to transect.
   — Cindy R.

January 24, 2003
First thank you for your prompt response. Transected meaning separate sections of the stomach? No I am not, just a staple line with stiches on either "edge" of the stomach. It is just so UPSETTING that this has happened and my doc assured me it is nothing I have done. I hope not. I FEAR they will make me wait on the hernias because the doc said it would help if you could lose another 50 lbs. When is enough enough tho before repairing these hernias. I also have a HUGE panus which they say they won't do anything about either. I feel so frustrated with all of this and like I have failed it.
   — Becki M.

January 24, 2003
I guess I should have added I NEVER got to "goal" weight but did lose a total of 100 but now it is like 87 I have lost because of the gain. To get to goal I would need to lose another 80 lbs then have some massive skin removal. One doc already told me when they do the removal on me (if they ever do) I would lose another 50 lbs mostly because of the panus.
   — Becki M.

January 24, 2003
Have they tested you for problems with the adrenal gland? The adrenal gland controls your sodium and potassium as well as most of the hormones in your body (it works with the pituitary) and Addison's, which results from adrenal tumors, can cause weight gain.
   — JoAnn B.

January 24, 2003
Becki, come on- give yourself a break. This is not your fault! Your Doctor even says so! After the subsequent information you have provided (and the obvious fact that I clearly did not read your original post throughly), I would definitly ask for a transection, and get everything else repaired at the same time. I understand they want you to lose 50lbs more pounds but that may be hard to do and if they are going in for one thing, may as well fix it ALL. As the other poster said, I would have a specific look into your adrenal glands as well.....
   — Karen R.

January 24, 2003
On 1/31 I go to see the endocrinologist. My PCP has run thyroid tests and a few others in the past and has found nothing "alarming" or needing to be addressed right now. The surgeon wants me to have all kinds of tests done by the endocrin doc before doing any kind of surgery. Is there a place I can go to retrieve information to take with when I see the gastrointerologist. My PCP has already spoke with my gastro doc and they aren't sure what the "solution is" to fix this problem. I want to go in armed with the info so there are no "we aren't sure how to fix you" problems. Thank you so much for your responses... it means so much to me.
   — Becki M.

January 25, 2003
Gosh,Becky, everything you are going through is way over my head, I am only 6 wks post op. But I do wish you luck and as you have been so far with all of this, try to be paitent and remember, everything happens for a reason. We can't always see why now, but it shows up later. I will keep you in my prayers.
   — Laurie B.

January 25, 2003
Hi Becky, Although your case sounds rather complicated because of the mass on your adrenal gland, and none of us are doctors, if you are just addressing the staple line disruption and the subseqent weight gain, there is a solution to that and the hernia. I had a staple line disruption on my first rny because I had not been transected. I also had a large hernia from the first surgery. My surgeon went in (open) 11 mos after the first surgery to fix both of these problems. Read my profile for more info. The staple line repair was not that complicated and this time he transected it. The hernia repair was just another part of the surgery. He also excised the old scar and made me a prettier one. All of this was successful and I started losing again. It was just like the first time with honeymoon period and everything. The surgery was not as difficult as the first one because I had lost 68 lbs and didn't have high blood pressure, sleep apnea, and was just in better health generally. I healed much faster and was back to work in 6 wks compared to 11 wks the first time. My incision did not leak and was more comfortable without staples on the outside. I had internal sutures and surgical glue and I liked it much better! If I can be of further assistance, just ask. Since you said the adrenal problem was not of urgency, perhaps your surgeon will fix your staple line disruption. This time ask for transection. By the way, my insurance which was Aetna at the time, paid for BOTH surgeries. Thank you AETNA!!! and most of all thank you Dr. Bergstein and my Heavenly Father.
   — Mylou52

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