How much should protein be increased with a weight training program?

My brother had RNY in Sept. and has started to lift weights 3x a week(for an hour) in addition to walking 4x a week. How much should he increase his protein daily since he added the weight training? He gets about 80 grams a day now. He has been feeling weak and we thought maybe it was because he should be getting in more protein. Thanks for any input.    — cdiss (posted on January 23, 2003)

January 23, 2003
1 - has he increased his protein since he started weight training? and 2 - has he had his "B" vitamins checked? If he hasn't increased his protein and he was feeling fine prior to the increased energy he is expending then that might be something he needs to think about. I hope this helps and please tell him to keep the good work.
   — Regina S.

January 23, 2003
Hi! I asked the question. No, he hasn't increased his protein since he started lifting. I was wondering if maybe that was why he was feeling weak. Also, we talked about it and he did call our surgeon and he asked him to write an order to have his B-12 shot increased to every 2 weeks and the surgeon said that was fine. Thanks for the response.
   — cdiss

January 23, 2003
Your bother also needs to up his calorie intake (uping his protein intake will do this as well lol)My surgeon just got odne telling me that once i started going to the gym that i needed to be taking in 800 to 1000 calories a day if i went to gym more then 2 times a week
   — Becky M.

January 23, 2003
An additional 2 grams per kilo of body weight.
   — Linda A.

January 23, 2003
What I did when I started to work out is to add a low carb protein drink. I use Pro blend 55. It is low carb and actually taste pretty good. You can pick it up at GNC.
   — Richard M.

January 24, 2003
hiya. i have started weight training also and from my research we (those in serious training) should be eating 1 gram of protein per 1 pound of body weight! so for me that 124g of protein... i eat often and my trainer has me on a pretty specific diet that is well balanced. i also use 3 protein supplements, take my b-12 daily (sublingual), my regular vitamins, calcium, iron plus i take an omega-3 capsule 2x day. it is key to eat high protein or drink a high protein supp within 45 minutes of working out and prior to working out his pouch should be about 1/2 full of raw fruit. have him email me, or you can email me if you would like a detailed description of my program. good luck! kate [email protected]
   — jkb

January 24, 2003
I think that 80 is too low for his exercise regiment. I agree that the rule of thumb is usually one gram per pound of body weight. Some experts say one gram per LEAN pound of body weight. He needs to up his protein and also read weight training guides as to when to eat both protein and carbs. Read up on what muscles need after they are exhausted and at what time. While there is not universal agreement, he should be able to find some good guidelines out there.
   — susanje

January 24, 2003
Thank you everyone! That is GREAT advice and I will pass it on to my brother. He will appreciate it a lot! Cheryl
   — cdiss

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