WLS-friendly PCP in or around Columbia SC?

Does anyone in or around Columbia, SC know of a WLS-friendly doctor that I can establish as my PCP. I do not have a family doctor and I do not want to just choose someone from a name in a book without knowing that he/she will support my efforts toward WLS. Any help is *very* appreciated!    — Christina Z. (posted on January 17, 2003)

January 17, 2003
I live in N.Myrtle, so I can't tell you of a specific doctor, but I will suggest you call your surgeon (or surgeon-to-be) and ask who they recommend you go to. When I had my surgery I didn't have to have a referral, but my friend iis now using my surgeon and had to have the referral. Her PCP was not at all supportive so I contacted my surgeon's nurse and she gave her a couple to chose from. My friend saw the PCP yesterday and it went fantastically! My nurse also gave me the names and phone numbers of a couple of doctors for my (and my friends) psych eval which went smoothly too. The surgeons and their staff tend to know who out there is WLS friendly so contact them. Even if you do not have a surgeon picked out, call one that you are interested in and ask someone there. Best of luck to you!!!!.........Karen (lap rny-9/20/03- down 99 pounds!)
   — karmiausnic

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