Will it hurt my chanced for the bypass if I just had surgergy.

I had to go in and have my ovary and a very large cyst removed last week 12/19/02. I see the Gastric Bypass surgeon in February. Do you think they will still consider me for the surgery? I had no complications with the surgery and my recovery is going great but I am worried about the reaction of the bypass surgeon is going to be.    — Phyllis B. (posted on December 25, 2002)

December 25, 2002
You should take the advice of your WLS surgeon and the surgeon who did removed your ovary. In 1999 when I had my ovary removed, I found the surgery much harder on me than my RNY surgery. Talk to both of the surgeons and see what they recommend. You see the surgeon in Feb, then it will probably be sometime before you can be scheduled anyways.
   — barbara A.

December 25, 2002
If you came to our office and were healthy and well recovered from the surgery it isn't likely that we'd consider your ovarian surgery a contraindication for bariatric surgery. One doesn't have anything to do with the other and we perform WLS on people every day who've had other surgeries - even recent ones. What matters is that you're sufficiently recovered and have no other major health problems that would make bariatric surgery inappropriate for you. No worries! Happy Holidays!
   — ronascott

December 26, 2002
Personally I don't think it will matter. But DO TELL THEM because they should know about ANY and ALL surgeries you've had at any time in your life. That way if there is a problem they can deal with it the correct way during your WLS. :)
   — Danmark

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