How does one eat more than 1 ounce one year after surgery?

From what I've heard we are only suppose to have 1 oz of food per sitting. Does the fullness go away? Reading thru the Q&A and messages, some people are eating more. Does this mean we will gain all our weight back? I haven't had the surgery yet, but it scares me that I will be eating as bad as I am now. That was 1 of many advantages to this surgery that I liked was the fact I would be full eating smaller meals. Thanks, Terrie    — TLLessor (posted on December 6, 2002)

December 6, 2002
i eat much more than an ounce that's for sure. i am 7 months post op. i can eat anything at all. not the best choices all the time, but i am human. today i had chicken fingers and a couple fries for lunch. for dinner i could only eat 1/4 of a sandwich. just depends on what the food is. in the beginning you can eat very little, but eventually you'll be able to eat more. open rny 5-3-02 -106
   — candymom64

December 6, 2002
Aloha... The reason we can eat such a small amount is because of the small pouch size. There is a restricted amount of space, so that is why we are only able to eat a few ounces. As for the fullness, you aren't hungry because your stomach feels (and is!) full. Different people are able to eat different amounts for different reasons. Some of these are (1) When the surgeon creates the pouch, it is small, usually about 30 cc. The further out you go, the pouch stretches a bit in size. Keep in mind that it used to be the size of a football. Now it is the size of an egg. At about one year post op, it will be about the size of a large orange. This is NORMAL.. You would die if your stomach stayed at 1-2 ounces. (2) You can eat more of certain foods than others. I can drink more of soup, yogurt and runny things because they don't stay in the pouch for very long. They start to run from the pouch to the jejunem to the large intestine rather quickly. However, if I eat a more solid food such as turkey, chicken, tuna fish or pork, I can eat less. I think at 4 months out I am averaging between 3-4 ounces of food per meal. This has increased from what I was able to consume as a new post op. However, I am not afraid of gaining back because at this time, I am making wiser food choices and can still only manage between 600-800 calories a day. In order to maintain your current weight, you need to take in about 2000 calories. To gain one pound, you need to take in an ADDITIONAL 3000 calories. So as you see, 600-800 calories a day is prime for losing weight.. not gaining. Don't worry about the pouch size. And I wouldn't fixate on the ounces thing either. If your surgeon does the technique that most do, he will give you a tiny stomach, which is expected to stretch somewhat. Your goal should be to make the wisest food choices possible and following the post op surgery protocol so that you won't stretch your pouch to an unhealthy size. This is much harder to do than we think it is. You will do great. Hugs, Kathie (in Hawaii)... Open RNY /008-07-02 Down 99 Pounds!!!
   — KathieInHawaii

December 6, 2002
Terrie, I believe that everyone is different in what and how much they will be able to tollerate after having this surgery. I had surgery almost 3 weeks ago and some days I can eat about 1/2 of a scrambled egg, but yesterday I actually ate an entire taco, which I will not feel guilty about because that is "so much" less than I would have eaten pre-op!!!! Some days all I want is a little soup, and some days I want a bit more than that, but each meal that I have eaten since the surgery has been very minimal. And yes, I get "full", and then I stop eating...don't wish to get sick! What we have to realize is this...even if I am able to "someday" eat about a "cup" of food....OMG, that is still so much less than the 2-3 cups of food I "was" eating!! Everyone uses McDonnalds as an example (smile) so I will also....I use to eat a double quarter pounder with cheese, super size fries and a super size many cups do you think that would end up being?? Now, I "might" be able to eat 1/2 of a regular cheeseburger with 2-3 fries on the side....a far cry from what I was eating!! Anyway, I think your body will let you know how much you should be eating....I think it's individual and if we learn to "listen" to our bodies, that will be our very best guide as to how many ounces we need.... just my little ole' opinion though! Love and light, Lisa
   — medium

December 6, 2002
Terrie I agree with all the other posters. In the begining I was eating about 2 teaspoons of sf jello and I thought I was gona pop wide open, now I am 6 months out today and I eat what ever I want to. Like one poster said It is way far less that I was eating. I know I eat more than an ounce per sitting maybe 1/2 cup total most of the time and I am ok with that because I eating so much less that before. I don't eat the 6 small meals sometimes I dont even eat 3 meals a day I just eat when I am hunger and then its mostly protien. If I am not mistaken we eventually are able to eat more the further out we become because as the pouch heals and the swelling goes down hence making a lil more room to be filled in our pouch. I think that is the reason we can eat more than an ounce after we have been a post op for a few months. Good luck to you ( lap Rny 06/06/02 down 150lbs)
   — Subrina D.

December 6, 2002
I had Dr Fox & Dr Oh, also. They prefer us to keep our pouch as "original" as possible until we hit goal wt. Since we're fully supplemented, we're not obligated to try to eat more food. It's very comfortable, really. There are local support group meetings coming up next week & the week after. If you email me, I'll give you some details.
   — vitalady

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