How can I explain WLS to my daughter?
I am a single mom of a wonderful 4 year old little girl. I've struggled with my weight since I was 11, and I'm trying to promote a healthy body image for my daughter. I know that my current eating/dieting habits don't make me a very good role model. Has anyone ever had to explain WLS to a child? Is there any info on their body image as they grow up with a parent post-WLS? Thanks so much for your help! — Shannon F. (posted on November 30, 2002)
November 30, 2002
Shannon, my daughter was 4 when I had WLS. I did not explain to her why I
was having surgery, just that I was. In my opinion, she did not yet need
to learn that being overweight was undesirable. I am completly responsible
for what she eats, I ensure that it is healthy and I try to teach good
eating habits to my children. I felt that at the age of 4, something as
complicated as weight issues, the need to maintain a certain weight, the
side effects of being overwieght, and not to mention the social aspect of
it....was more than she needed to learn at that age. I did not want her to
see overweight as being bad so young. I have since lost 120 pounds and
never once has either of my children asked why I look different. They do
ask why I eat from smaller plates, and I answer that I just cant eat as
much food anymore. If either of them were to ever ask questions about my
surgery, I would tell them anything they wanted to know. I just felt that
it was too much for such small impressionable minds.
— RebeccaP
November 30, 2002
Ok, I want to ramble a bit more......My mother had WLS when I was 4. So, I
guess I can see this from both angles. I always knew mom had this surgery,
I dont remember a point where she told me. It was always known, but never
a huge issue in our family.
— RebeccaP
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