What is the best source of protien

My mother in law is 8 month post op and her physician told her she is protien deficient. What is the best source of protein that she will be able to tolerate due to the fact that she is having a hard time finding foods that agree with her.    — Laura C. (posted on November 13, 2002)

November 13, 2002
Laura, The best things that your mother in law can do is eat protein first....she needs to be eating chili, cheese, yogart, beef jerky, turkey, chicken, any meat has protein..try not to do the deli kind as it has a lot of salt and "other" stuff in it that aren't that great for our bodies. I personally have a tough time with meats however shrimp coctail is an excellent source of protein. For example 5 shrimp have 60 cal. no carbs and 11 protein grams....that is a deal! Also she could supplement. I am not a fan of any supplement however I have heard the best is Vitalady. They have a website and you would also be able to order samples before committing to a big order. Good luck....protein is not as much fun to eat as carbs however they help you loose the right type of weight and put on the right type of muscle! Cathie P.
   — blank first name B.

November 13, 2002
Mostly meats, and I drink alot of milk. Any kind of milk has 8 grams to a cup. Most meats have 8 grams to 1 oz of meat. Cottage cheese is good too.
   — Karla K.

November 13, 2002
What is she not tolerating? Liquids? Solids? Meats? I'll post the bioavailability list. Whey protein (supplement) is the most BV of all the choices. It can be shaken with water, not a large volume. You can make it simple or make it exotic. But a big ol' hunkkin' shake is not required. BUT, this applies to people who HAVE a stomach, so don't run off and think it applies to us as it is. Whey & soy proteins are pre-digested (chemically). Other ones require a stomach for digestion. The numbers are the BV. (Biologic value). This is only how easily the body can absorb them, not the protein g in each one. And as stated before, the last few need to be blended to make a complete protein. whey blended products 100-159 whey 104 egg 100 cow's milk 91 egg white 88 beef 80 fish 79 (83 on another chart) chicken 77 casein 77 soy 74 potato 71 rice 59 wheat 54 beans 49 peanuts 43
   — vitalady

November 13, 2002
Natural protein found in foods is always the best source. Howeve, if she is not getting in enough 100% whey protein is best. Try this website is has a comparison chart of all of the main protein supplements available.
   — Linda A.

November 14, 2002
hiya. i use Jarrow's Iso Rich Soy Protein Powder - it is the only kind of protein supplement that can be cooked with. Trader Joes and Genisoy make similar products but i didn't care for the taste of theirs. the jarrow's can be added to all kinds of foods and it is made to be cooked with (doesn't break down in heat or freezing). it has 25g protein in 2 tbls with only 110 calories, 0 fat, 0 sugar, 0 carbs. i order mine online at: i have recipe files (using the jarrow's)posted online at the wls support group i belong to: look for the recipe files posted by katebme2002 good luck! kate open rny 6-14-01 pre op: 268lbs goal: 135lbs current: 126lbs
   — jkb

November 14, 2002
hi :) to name a few foods they would be. beef jerky, shrimp,fish,nuts,eggs,beans,chili,cheeses too best of luck:)
   — carrie M.

November 14, 2002
Laura, I too enjoy all kinds of protein. I like a huge variety and eat things like shrimp, cheese, cottage cheese egg beaters, or regular eggs.deer burger or turkey chili chili . I keep track of my protein and carbs on and when I see I need added protein I either add a protein bar or shake to supplement. I go in phases on my protein Right now I am stuck on baby shrimp with homemade cocktail sauce and string cheese. Another great idea for breakfast is to scramble some egg beaters top with a little mozzerella cheese and add a table spoon of salsa YUMMY! Tuna is another great source of protein however for some reason it makes me really sick since having my surgery Cant figure out why and having given up trying after the fourth attempt. GOod luck
   — cindy O.

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