Is is possible for me to have gastric bypass surgery although I have Crohn's Disease?

I am currently receiving Remicade IV treatments to help put Crohn's Disease in remission. The Remicade is helping. I had colostomy surgery March 30, 2000. I am about one hundred pounds overweight and would like to have gastric bypass surgery. I am having trouble finding a surgeon since I have Crohn's.    — Pam M. (posted on November 3, 2002)

November 3, 2002
Hi---don't know about my surgeon, but another wls surgeon here in cols won't do surgery on Crohn's patients (a friend of mine wanted surgery but no luck). Maybe the docs who gastric banding, esp the adjustable lap band, might since it doesn't permanently change the anatomy. Good luck!
   — dibie1221

November 3, 2002
Hi: I had open RNY Aug 10,2001, now almost 15 months out. My surgeon discovered that I had Chrons disease when he was in there performing my procedure. Prior to surgery, I had horrible bowel problems, not knowing that they were symptoms of my Chrons disease, since my weight loss, NOT ONE SYMPTOM....everything is now normal. At least now if I start having problems like I did prior to my RNY, I know what it is and can immediately start meds for Chrons...but so far so good....
   — Joi G.

November 3, 2002
Hi Pam. I don't have Crohn's Disease, but I have Ulcerative Colitis, which from what I understand is somewhat the same, but affects a different part of the intestines. I met with a bariatric surgeon and he told me they would not do surgery on someone with Crohn's Disease and that the had only done surgery on two people who had ulcerative colitis and they had been symptom-free for several years before the surgery. He suggested to me that I look into VBG or the Lap-Band. Seems that the Lap-Band is the best bet. I will be meeting with another surgeon in January who does the Lap-Band surgery. I hope it's the answer for both of us! Vicki
   — [Deactivated Member]

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