How soon after surgery were you able to cut back your meds, and then get off them?

I'm scheduled for surgery November 15th. I realize that everyone is different, so please share with me how soon after surgery you were able to get off your meds. I'm really looking forward to this. I'm currently on two oral diebetic meds (with still not quite normal readings), high blood pressure med, low thyroid med, high cholesteral med., and my CPAP for sleep apnea is set at 10.    — Laurie C. (posted on October 19, 2002)

October 18, 2002
Hi Laurie, first of all I have to agree with you -- every one is different. In my case, I was on the CPAP machine set at 10cm and on 1 medication for high blood pressure. I was unable to tolerate the CPAP machine from the very beginning, except for maybe a 2 hour nap here and there. So as the time progressed, I really never used it full time following surgery. Finally packed it away completely at 2 months post-op. The blood pressure med was supposed to be crushed and mixed with applesauce or juice -- no way! It was so bitter I gagged every time. So I monitored my blood pressure every other day at the local pharmacy (which gave me motivation/reason to go to the mall and walk), then scheduled a visit with my primary care physician at 1 month post-op. He said I could stay off of it, that my BP was in fact now low! I believe this all was also aided by the fact that I had quit smoking 3 months before surgery. It helped my recovery go so much more smoothly, I am certain. You know your body better than anyone, but be safe and monitor things (your BP and your diabetes especially). Make sure your PCP works with you through this. Best wishes to you! - Anna LAP RNY 7/3/02 -76lbs.
   — Anna L.

October 18, 2002
I am 18 days post op..before surgery I was on 2 oral meds for diabetes and 1 high blood pressure pill. I would read on this website how very shortly after surgery people would be off their medications and I would not believe it...well guess what...Since surgery I have been off ALL diabetic medications and my high blood pressure meds!That is since the day of surgery! Since I am home from the hospital my sugar has not been above 95..and most times it is much will happen to you too! If not right after surgery,,very soon after..Good Luck!
   — Holly K.

October 18, 2002
I took diabetic medication twice a day and high blood pressure pill once a day before surgery. Came completely off the high blood pressure meds exactly 2 weeks after surgery. The doctor kept reducing the amount of the diabetic medication I was taking and I was completely off it 10 weeks after surgery. I am now 14 weeks postop, down 58# and taking NO medications.............other than my Flintstone vitamins! =)
   — Carolyn I.

October 18, 2002
Well for ME no glucophage after surgery. My sugars were fairly low on clear liquids. I only took my Amaryl if my sugar was over 175 in the AM. By about a month I was off all diabetic drugs. Now my doc said keep taking the BP pill. That ended one at about 6 weeks when I found it 85 over 58 and I am sure it was lower than that! I was seeing stars and ready to faint. I stopped the pills for a few days felt better and called the office. Quit taking them too. My BP these days is around 110 over 70 lowest of my entire adult life. Do taklk with your doc but in any case monitor these 2 carefully by testing them because too low is dangerous. If your PCP has NO experience with post ops beware. They may not understand the big changes and how fast they affect us. Its wonderful being off prescription drugs!
   — bob-haller

October 19, 2002
I am 2 months post op and STILL take the same amount of Synthroid BUT, I did not take my cholestrol meds sice before surgery and the latest blood work shows that my chol. dropped from 240 to 179 by itself! Yippee! Godd luck to you!
   — Stacy C.

October 19, 2002
I stopped taking all meds before my surgery. I had 2 insulin shots while I was in the hospital having the surgery and have never taken another pill again except for my vitamins and Zantac for 2 weeks following my surgery. I had my surgery on 8/7/02 and had high blood pressure, high sugar and colesterol, I was taking medication for all. i am down 50 pounds now and my blood work comes back fine and it's a wonderful feeling to know that I'm going to live a bit longer and not eat a ton of pills everyday trying to do just that, LIVE!
   — leeann N.

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