If you have stretched your pouch, can the pouch shrink again?

Can the pouch shrink again if you were maybe go back to liquids for a few days? Thanks Becky    — Rebecca F. (posted on October 15, 2002)

October 15, 2002
Stomach's are incredibly resiliant and so long as you haven't stretched the stoma opening then the stomach itself should be able to shrink. Depends on just how big you've stretched it.
   — [Deactivated Member]

October 15, 2002
Hi there. According to my surgeon, he believes it can shrink again. Remember it takes approx two years before the stomach stops stretching and becomes fixed(more or less). One of our objectives is to keep our portions small to help keep the pouch small. I was starting to push my volumes. My doc told me just to cut back on the portions. I started eating about 1/2 of what I feel I could at most meals for about a month now and I do feel that I'm feeling satisfied on that amount...could be power of suggestion but it works for me. Hope this is helpful. -Kim open RNY 7/17/01 -135
   — KimBo36

October 16, 2002
I agree. Even before surgery your stomach could shrink and get bigger depending on the amount of food you ate. Sometimes, I find myself stretching the portion sizes, but then I go back to very small portions for a few days and that does the trick.
   — emilyfink

October 16, 2002
According to the 'pouch rules for dummies', you CAN re-shrink your pouch, particularly if you go back on liquids for 2 weeks (or as long as you can stand it!). good luck :)
   — Patricia E.

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