I have developed pain 4 wks. post lap RNY under my left breast.

The pain is not severe but annoying, feels like trapped gas, hurts more when I bend over or lay on my left side, anyone have the same?    — Cheryl J. (posted on September 30, 2002)

September 30, 2002
I'll bet if you go to the library and do a search for "pain" and "left" you will come up with a hundred versions of this question. Most dr's either say it is trapped gas or the ribs and muscles moving back into place from where they were displaced during surgery. It hurts but it does usually go away. Now with that said, if you ever feel like it really MAY be something serious, trust your instincts and call the dr! I had this and couldn't walk straight for 3 days. When I finally decided to call the dr it went away. Good luck and happy losing!
   — ctyst

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