Does insurance cover the cost of a Dexascan?

My doctor has never mentioned the fact that I might want to have one of these tests done. Is this a normal follow-up test?    — MaryFran64 (posted on September 14, 2002)

September 14, 2002
My insurance did cover it- my dr. had me take it before surgery- and is doing it again one year after surgery. A friend that had the same drs. did not get the scan before surgery - but is getting it NOW - at 8 months out from surgery. I suggest you mention it to your surgeon or the dr that sets up your tests. Be sure and say Dexascan- not just a wrist measure---
   — charlene M.

September 14, 2002
ALWAYS! Check with your insurance about coverage before you have anything, they all differ so much. Mine did cover it and I had it around 2 years out.
   — ZZ S.

September 14, 2002
Usually not a problem if you meet enough criteria to have it done. Even if you don't, it's fairly cheap. Around $200. Here are a few. being post-menopausal lactose intolerance MASSIVE WEIGHT LOSS having had any obesity surgery it's in your family recent bone breakage use of caffeine or carbonation after age 20 use of nicotine (ever) use if alcohol (ever) being fair or of Northern European descent being small frame
   — vitalady

September 14, 2002
Yes, my insurance, BC/BS did cover it. Had my first one a few months post-op and wished I had had one pre-op, so that I would have had a baseline of my bones before surgery. I will get one once a year to see how the calcium we are taking is affecting my bones...
   — Cindy R.

September 14, 2002
I have Medicaid (Blue Choice Option) and it covered mine. It showed I have just the "begining" of osteoporosis. But those calcium citrate pills are monster pills,. So I guess knowing this is'nt going to help until I can find some way of getting calcium that does'nt require "swollowing a house".
   — Danmark

September 14, 2002
I have Medicaid (Blue Choice Option) and it covered mine. It showed I have just the "begining" of osteoporosis. But those calcium citrate pills are monster pills,. So I guess knowing this is'nt going to help until I can find some way of getting calcium that does'nt require "swollowing a house".
   — Danmark

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