How long till I can pick up my 26 pound son?
I am scheduled to have lap. gastric bypass on September 30, 2002. I am 21 years old and have a wonderful 10 month old baby boy who is a huge mommie's boy. I was wondering how long it took till anyone could lift their children. I know the dr. says something like 6 weeks, but I know that everyone is different. I was just looking for the average time. Thanks!! — Christine C. (posted on September 8, 2002)
September 8, 2002
My doctor told me I could pick up to 25lbs. at 4 wks. I do day care in my
home so lucky the baby i take care of, was less than 25 lbs. Does your
little guy crawl, maybe he can crawl on to your leggs on the floor, and you
can sit on the floor with him. Good luck.
— paulsgirl
September 8, 2002
My surgeon said nothing heavier than 10 pounds for 6-8 weeks.
— Cathy S.
September 8, 2002
Well I had the open and I sure would'nt have wanted to pick up anything
that heavy for at least 3 months. However I remember well the one other
abdomial surgery I had back in 1989. He told me NOTHING HEAVIER THAN 5
POUNDS for such and such a time period. I did'nt listen... and carried a
jug of milk around the store. A few hours later I hemoraged and ended up in
the hospital. Now when anyone says, no lifting such and such a weight for X
amount of weeks... I DON'T DO IT! And actually wait a longer period of time
too! However if you are LAP, you should be able to lift sooner (I'm
guessing). Anyway, should your precious Mommies Boy, ;), want to be picked
up... why not compromise? That is can you sit at the kitchen table and have
him sit on it while you hold him? That would be like having him on your lap
or holding him. Just a thought.
— Danmark
September 8, 2002
Mine said nothing over 10 pounds for a month and then pick up whatever for
LAPS! I broke the rule carefully and didnt have any trouble. The chance of
incisional hernias is near ZERO for LAP! Opens get hernias 30% of the time
even if they are careful. Laps stomach wall muscles dont get cut but opens
do. Just be careful avoid picking up anything heavy and most importandly
DONT WORRY! Worry is baD FOR EVERYONES HEALTH.Try to think of the fun you
will have with your childs once the weight starts dropping..
— bob-haller
September 10, 2002
I had this exact same concern. I am at home with a 13 month old that
weighs over 27 pounds. I talked with the doctor at my consult and he said
2 weeks. I am 3 weeks and 4 days post op and have been lifting him for a
little over a week, no problems yet!
— Trisha S.
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