How long after surgery can you drive?
Are there any restrictions? Like 1 week, right away (of course, not home from surgery)? My surgery is in 13 days and I didn't know how long I will be restricted from driving. — Robin A. (posted on September 4, 2002)
September 4, 2002
My doctor instructed me to wait 2 weeks..
— HelpMeRhonda !!
September 4, 2002
My Doctor said 2 weeks, and not at all if I was still on pain med's. I was
driving within a week.(don't tell my Doc)
I think there is a concern if you were in an accident there could be damage
to the surgery area, that is not healed .
— Jeri P.
September 4, 2002
Hi Robin, it was 2 weeks for me too. Good luck!
— [Deactivated Member]
September 4, 2002
My surgeon wants her patients to wait until the first post-op check up at
three weeks until we drive, exercise or lift weights. I drove to my three
week appt without any issues or problems!
— jenn2002
September 4, 2002
My surgeon typically clears patients to drive after two weeks. However,
exercise (other than walking) and lifting restrictions on anything greater
than 15 lbs are not lifted until 2 months.
— John Rushton
September 4, 2002
I wasn't given any restrictions whatsoever and was driving within a week of
the surgery. I had the procedure done lap RNY.
— Michael N.
September 4, 2002
I had Open RNY. My surgeon said it was ok to drive as soon as I was off
pain meds AND had the strength to be able to react to whatever might happen
to me while driving.
— Kelly B.
September 5, 2002
My Dr. said no driving for 2 weeks. Then if I was off of pain meds, I could
start driving again.Good Luck. {{{HUGS}}}
— Carolyn L.
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