Need advice about where to shop!!!

Hello! I have gone down a few sizes and need some new clothes. I am starting to realize all of my clothes are totally fat, frumpy OLD LADY clothes and I am only 26!!! I also have NO fashion sense. I have just been wearing hand me downs from my mother in law well... I need some websites or stores. I live in South Dakota! I don't want to pull off the "teen look" with hip hugging jeans or skin tight tops. Nothing SUPER trendy just won't fly where I live... I am still a size 22 although I have lost 90lbs. Just want something NORMAL that doesn't look like a tent for a 90 year old!! Any advice????    — Allie A. (posted on August 13, 2002)

August 13, 2002
Try Lane Bryant (expensive) or for more moderate choices, you can try J.C. Penny online at I'm not sure if Lane Bryant has an online store but you can search for it. I have been shopping at jcpenny for both my clothes and my daughters and don't find anything too wrong with it. The actual store doesn't seem to have alot of choices though. Sears has a good 'ladies' department that isn't too old laydish or frumpy looking. They are pretty good with style and has both casual and business attire. If you don't have alot of money and are looking for more casual clothes then try Wal Mart. Not too expensive and decent looking clothes. Hope this helps. Cathy
   — jenlaur1

August 13, 2002
E-Bay has some wonder deals out there, I have paid next to nothing for really beautiful clothes. Go to Ebay and type in Ladies 22 and it will bring up everything that is in your size for sale. I just bought 3 brand name business suits, that were beautiful and with shipping only paid $27.00 Now if you see something that you really like but to small for you, go ahead and get it, you will fit into it before you know it. COnsignment stores are gret places to shop also, and they are having their summer sales right now, getting rady for their fall and winter clothes. Good Luck and congratulations on the new thinner you Hugs
   — Jeri P.

August 13, 2002
You should try They have some things you might like. I used to shop there quite a bit before surgery and I'm 32.
   — Stephanie S.

August 13, 2002
I started going to consignment shops and taking my larger size clothes, and then using the profit from them to buy clothes there in my new size. Believe me, you will not be in them long enough to spend alot of money on new clothes, or atleast that was the case for me.I have found alot of really nice clothes at the consignment shop. I realise this may not be for everyone, but for me it has really worked out great. I work in an office and have been able to find dress clothes, along with everyday clothes and have not had to invest a fortune.Hope this helps.
   — Valerie M.

August 13, 2002
hiya, i am sooo thankful for my local goodwill store! i made the decision after surgery that i wasn't going to buy any clothes that i did not love since all my pre op (3x's) were so ugly and frumpy!! however, you lose weight/inches sooo fast that it is not worth it to spend money on new clothes (except panties and bras of course!) until your weight loss slows down. i am 14mos out and now will buy "real" clothes but i still shop at walmart, kmart or ross. but at goodwill i can still get gap or jcrew pants for $3 as compared to $50 brand new! can't beat that!! good luck to you, kate open rny 6-14-01 pre op: 268lbs goal weight: 135lbs current weight: 130lbs
   — jkb

August 13, 2002
Try They have a great selection of hip and trendy gear...also Lane Bryant is one of my favorite choices might also want to try, they also have some wild things. Happy shopping!!!
   — hrussinko

August 13, 2002
I would suggest thrift stores. If you have never been in one, you might say 'no way'...but I promise you, after you start seeing the great deals they have, you will be hooked. Most of the clothes at thrift stores are in excellent condition..and when you wear it no one knows where it came from. I have saved a ton of money shopping thrift. I also second the ebay opinion....I sell and buy and love it. Good luck!
   — Jennifer G.

August 13, 2002
Oh, was this an issue for me! I found that the first time I went into a "regular" store, I kept looking around, thinking someone was going to come up to me and ask what I was doing there! As for choices, I'd suggest that you stick with really simple, inexpensive things for the time being, and dress them up with scarves, belts, etc. -- because you're not going to stay one size long enough to get your money's worth out of any "good" clothing. In Canada, I shop at Reitman's for basics like t-shirts, but I don't know the US equivalent of that. Do you have Winners down there? They get new stuff in every day, and I've had some very nice things there. I also look really hard at seasonal sales, because, as I say, I'm not going to be wearing it that long anyway. I have bought a couple of books on wardrobe planning and makeovers, because I figure this is the time in my life to really get it right. I just had a friend over this afternoon to take away a bunch of clothing that's too big for me now -- I refuse to keep "too big" stuff aroujnd any more! Giving away all my old favourites bothered me at first, but now I'm pretty much used to it. Good luck!
   — Karen I.

August 13, 2002
I like shopping online. I actually went into a Lane Bryant this past weekend and was surprised that almost all the pants were jeans and those skin tight black knit pants (you all know the ones...the ones that require a thong in order to not see lines, LOL!). I too like JC Penny, and Roamans: and they go from 12 and up. Heck they have lots of 5x things too. Roamans has always been very good about returns too, and pretty quick delivery too. I have my snail mail catalogs marked for the things to get post-op. :-) You can also look for a Catherine's in your area. They some very nice professional clothes, a bit expensive but nothing more than Lane Bryant (IMHO). Catherine's has a website ( but you can't order from it. You can look at the latest things and use the store locator to find a store. I ALWAYS find the Catherine's in every city I ever travel to. :-) Good luck and have fun shopping!
   — Click

August 13, 2002
Well, I have a few links on my website that are to plus-sized stores online. I admit that some of the stuff is quite trendy, but there are also things that are more toned down. You might want to just browse the links on my page: .
   — Jennifer Y.

August 13, 2002
I used to always shop at the Avenue. I loved it there. I actually miss not being able to go there! (I HATE MALLS!!)Try their web site, or see if there is noe near you. They have nice clothes that are classic, but current in fassion with out being too "trendy". Good Luck. If you can not afford to keep spening money on clothes (like me), frequently check with your local good will/ salvation army, as well as e-bay. They have better prices.
   — Vicki L.

August 13, 2002
No matter what age you are, I think a nice pair of black dress pants and a good wool blazer (granted, it's a little warm now) will ALWAYS be considered stylish. I take them from year to year and I', always complimented on how dressy they are and how nice they look on me. Also, even jeans with a good blazer looks trendy. Can you tell I have a blazer thing?? A nice leather jacket with jeans or dress pants looks trendy and classy too.
   — Patty H.

August 13, 2002
   — Allie A.

August 13, 2002
Hi Allie: I am a thrift store shopper all the way...I have spend about $150. for all of my clothes post op and I have some of the CUTEST clothes. My friends are always saying something about what I have on....I also have SO MUCH to choose from everyday...Do you know how far $25. will go in a thrift store. With the right color matching, you can walk out with about 10 outfits....WHAT A DEAL !!!!
   — Joi G.

August 14, 2002
Definately go through some Lane Bryant & Roamans catalogs. You can get a good sense of what types of things you like and what'll look reasonably fashionable. A live hours from anywhere with great stores but when I do make the trip I love to shop at the Fashion Bug. They have a lot of fashionable clothes, both career wear and casual. Plus the prices aren't too bad at all. If you start off with a few basics like some cotton based slacks and some nice jeans (if that's your style) and some solid color tops then you can mix and match with some jackets and sweaters for some stylish fall looks.
   — Shelly S.

August 14, 2002
First of all, congrats on your weight loss, you rock star! I am pre-op, currently a 20-22, and if I do say so myself, quite the fashion queen. First of all, there is a new magazine called "Grace" for full-figured women. The stuff in there is a little bit ridiculous in terms of price, but there are great articles, and more importantly, great ideas. Second, here is my advice for shopping now: 1. Spend the majority of money on high end accessories. You're still losing weight, but a gorgeous bag or necklace or scarf or pair of shoes will carry you from a size 22 to a size 8 (or 14, or whatever) and will make you look less frumpy, always. 2. I find most of my stuff at a collection of places: Lane Bryant (the store, not the catalog),,, thrift stores, and ebay. You can ALWAYS find a Lane Bryant 20% coupon somewhere (the website, magazines, etc) 3. No matter what you wear, carry yourself with your head held high, and your shoulders back. You own the world. Congrats! P.S. I just read a great book -- "Mama Gena's Guide to Being a Goddess" (or something like that. Awesome. Really helped me learn/believe that no matter what I'm wearing, I'm the hottest broad in the room.
   — Tamara K.

August 14, 2002
I have been going down in size ever so slowly (35 lbs in 7 weeks), but I know I will go lower, so I have been taking advantage of the clearance racks at WalMart and Target, Kohl's etc. I can find pants for $3. Now granted they aren't the best quality, but I only plan to wear them a handful of times. I found great sweat pants (really fashionable) at Target for $3.50 and tops for $4.10. Also these stores seem to go up to 26 or so in size, so you can usually find really good deals. As for buying clothes when I am done - that is where my money will go.
   — Jeanna M.

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