Is there anybody that is sick all the time after surgery?

My family is so concerned that I am going to be sick all the time after I have the surgery. It does get better doesn't it? They are so concerned that I won't be eating again, but isn't it true that after about 6 or 8 months you can eat very small amounts but what you want if you desire it? PLease help!!! Thanks!!    — Robin A. (posted on July 15, 2002)

July 15, 2002
Robin, please know that you are NOT sick ALL THE TIME after surgery. If I get sick, it's because I ate something that was not on the program. I "dump" on sugar and sweet things, also on fried foods - which are a no-no. If I eat too much for my little tummy, it all comes back up. If I don't chew well, it all comes back up. If I follow the rules, I feel just WONDERFUL!!!! As you begin eating solids, you can eat virtually anything you can tolerate - just not much of it at any one time. Please tell your family not to worry, you WILL be able to eat and enjoy what you do eat. If pizza would puree, and you could tolerate it, why not? :P (Of course, pizza does not puree, and I am still not able to eat bread because my tummy doesn't tolerate it.) Good luck..... Margie B
   — Marjorie B.

July 15, 2002
I'm 6mo post op. For the first 3 weeks I felt like I was run over by a truck. After 6weeks I felt normal. After 10weeks I felt BETTER than I did before I got the operation. I can eat anything I want to now But only a small amount, and this is the great part I feel full. You will NOT always feel sick. Just do what the DR says and you will feel and look great and be healthier too. Good Luck
   — Robert L.

July 15, 2002
I am almost 4 weeks post open rny and I was getting very discouraged. After surgery, I tolerated all the liquids in the hospital. Then when I came home, I decided to try one new thing a day. I was sick for almost a week and started regretting what I did to myself. Well, I realized I'm lactose intolerant (I guess that's common), and I need to speak with my dietician about lactase or something to help me digest dairy products. Other than that, it's all just trial and error. I was ecstatic that I could tolerate 6 goldfish crackers with my tomato soup. Each day I try something new within my limits. The greatest experience so far is eating fresh food. It's been so long since I've experienced REAL food. Your body will tolerate what nature intended for us to eat much easier than fried food, sugary foods, etc. This is all part of the lifestyle change that WLS creates for us.
   — Courtney S.

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