Anyone have to go back for a sleep re-test?

Anyone have to go back for a sleep re-test? I had a test last night but only slept about 3 hours. I tossed and turned forever because I was uncomfortable with the setting and the idea of being watched while I sleep. I'm afraid that is not enough time to gather the necessary data.    — Lily C. (posted on June 28, 2002)

June 28, 2002
Yes this has happened to me. I had mine done on June 18th and I freaked out and I have to have it redone on July 27th. Is there someone that you can have with you while you have it done? I am able to have my wonderful, darling, sensative husband there with me when I have it done. Also I will be sedated when we do this again. Just know that you are not alone. It does happen. It did me. Blessings!
   — Becca K.

June 28, 2002
Oh yes, it happens! I didn;t have to go back for a re but I had a hard time sleeping. With all those wires on me and tubes up your nose. But somehow I slept. I actually woke up to a steady beeping at one point and thought I was dead cause the nurse had told me that it would go off if not enough O2 was getting in my blood. I waited and waited and no one came so I really thought I was dead and sitting there waiting for someone to come and get my body. Anyway, turns out the dumb tech left the pulse ox machine on battery and it ran out of juice! I got her attention though, I ripped out those little wires and she came a runnin! It was prettyt funny! Turns out that I have severe sleep apnea. Good Luck
   — Jill W.

June 30, 2002
Lily-about the sleep test. I guess I got lucky. When I had mine I don't think I slept for even 10 minutes. The bed was uncomfortable and being hooked up to all of those wires!! I just laid there and concentrated on my breathing and even though the machine didn't register that I had achieved REM sleep it felt that I did get some kind of sleep. I'm not sure how that could possibly be but I'm not gonna argue with it!! I guess my point is to relax and try not to think about someone watching you. I know it's hard but......hopefully this will help.
   — Janine B.

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