Anyone privately sought a psychological evaluation?

My first cousin is a Psychiatrist but lives in anther state. I could save some out of pocket money by asking her to write the evaulation for me. She can do the evaluation via telephone. I'm not skipping the benefits of the evaluation, only the out of pocket expense. Has anyone else gotten their own psychological evaluation on the side and out of network?    — Lily C. (posted on June 10, 2002)

June 10, 2002
Hi Lily. I am going for my psych eval tomorrow morning and I had a bit of a struggle getting this far. I had finally found out that that my insurance would indeed pay for it only to have gone through my booklet and called EVERY head doctor in my network within 100 miles and each either no longer practiced in this state or had left that particular office. I finally took a friends advice and called my surgeons nurse who gave me the number of a doctor who they sometimes work with. I knew that I would I have to pay out-of-pocket and was really fretting over it since I had heard how some were charging up to $500 and made you come back for multiple appointments. Well, I was shocked when this psychiatrist told me it would only be $80!! WAHOO! It's about time something went right!...As for your cousin doing your eval- at first it seems like an easy way out, but at the same time it sounds like the easy way out. You REALLY need to see someone who is non-biased. I believe that the reason alot of surgeons require this evaluation is to cover their own behinds, if you know what I mean. But YOU are the one going through with this very emotional surgery and I for one would want to make sure that I was mentally prepared. And by the way, your cousin could get into trouble if found out. Best of luck to you!
   — karmiausnic

June 10, 2002
Though not out of network, I was able to see a licened mental health counsiler, verses a psychologist. For one, there are only two psychologist in our town, and NOT familar with WLS. The other one we had would not evaluate for this surgery. It was either go outta town, or see if my surgeon would let me see my LMHC. He did, and my insurance accepted her letter.
   — Marie A.

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