16 days post-op -- Only 5 pounds down. Help???

I had my open conversion to an RNY May 20th. BMI is 57. I am tracking all of my calories on, and I have had numerous college classes on nutrition. Calories are not sneaking in, trust me. I just came home from the hospital again yesterday. I was in for a post-op infection. They put bags of fluids in me, so I am not suicidal yet. But I have consumed less than 3000 calories in two weeks and am down only 5 pounds. Any clue? Can't exercise yet... hopefully next week.    — Karen F. (posted on June 5, 2002)

June 5, 2002
Karen- I'm still pre-op but I'm thinking it could be fluid retention and swelling. Ask your doc though. Hang in there!
   — emilyfink

June 5, 2002
You may be going into starvation mode. Is your carb intake above 20% total cal? If you had a conversion your metabolisium may be at a slow level anyway. Good Luck
   — Robert L.

June 5, 2002
I would agree with the fluid intake, when i was at the hospital my roommate asked to weigh herself 3 days after her open RNY and she didn't lose any. but we had been on the water for so long because of fear of dehydration, and since you just had to return, it could be that. i am 5 days pst-op and haven't even checked the scale yet b/c i am still in pain, you would think i would want to! LOL but don't worry, it will take some time, i'm sure in a few weeks, you will have lost so much more. goodjob on counting calories and everything. goodluck
   — Lezlie Y.

June 5, 2002
Curious to know what you expected to lose in just a little over two weeks?
   — Karen R.

June 5, 2002
Boy that stinks - but math is working against you. Each of those bags of fluids is about 16 ounces, also known as one pound. Your body is probably retaining a lot of fluid, especailly with the infection and low activity. Got fat ankles? Puffy eyes? Keep a good attitude - and weigh again in a week - or as long as you can stand it. When you are well, especially with your higher BMI - the pounds will FLY off. You are doing great !!! SOrry to hear that the scale is not on your side. Also - my scale is squirrely - weighs a different thing every time (cheapo digital) so try to not have too much faith in it. Bright blessings to you.
   — M. A. B.

June 5, 2002
If anything you are over obsessing with weight and calories. 3000 calories in 2 weeks is about 200 calories a day. Not much to subsist on, even when you are just on the liquid phase. If you don't get enough calories, your body may go into starvation mode and actually loose less than if you were getting 600-800 calories per day. I started drinking clear juices (mixed with 50% plain water) and protien drinks from the day I got home. I figure I was doing about 500-600 calories a day, much higher than most during the liquid phase but lost 28 lbs in the first 2.5 weeks. I would stop obsessing with calories and the scale and try to focus on getting enough protien, fluids and healing, and you will be surprised how much better you will feel and do. Good luck.
   — Dell H.

June 5, 2002
Hi, I had an open RNY on 3/5/2002 and I ended up with a postop infection. I was on IV'S for over 2 weeks and actually gained 10 pounds. I was extremly upset. As soon as my IV'S were stopped I lost 22 pounds in 5 days and I am now 13 weeks out and have lost 100 pounds. don't worry it will come off as long as you eat what is right for you. As you continue to progress your intake will change. You will know what is right for you.
   — Chris M.

June 5, 2002
Just some clarification on the "bags of fluid" that you were given intravenously. If you're talking about the continuous IV drip you were on (and not the IV antibiotics), those bags are one liter in volume (1000 cc's or slightly more than 32 oz.) So actually, each one's 2 lbs. NO DOUBT you're full of fluid and need to just pee it out. Just keep your oral fluid intake up and that will help your body let go of it. JK, RN
   — Joya K.

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