It has been 3 weeks since i went to the doctor and my scale has not moved. i have to be honest and tell you i dont exercise like i should or drink the 64 ounces of water. but i do try to drink at least half the water i need and i am not cheating on what i eat. please help me. i'm going crazy. and my depression is getting terrible. i started smoking again too. i had the surgery 4-11-02. i weighed 367 then today i am 328. please advise and thanks. — Janvielle F. (posted on May 19, 2002)
May 19, 2002
You are doing great. Don't worry about it. I have hit plateaus like crazy
too. You are just over a month and what? 40 pounds down? Wow that is
great. I heard that upping your protein intake and water will break a
plateau. Try it out. Your doing fine. Oh, and put away those cigarettes.
Bad Bad Bad. I have been cigarette free for over a year now. You can do
— Melissa H.
May 19, 2002
Put your scale AWAY. Get on it only once a month. Then there are no
plateaus. That's what I do and every time I get on, it's a surprise.
Naturally, if you weigh yourself constantly it's going to be discouraging.
— Annie H.
May 19, 2002
Your not alone, read my profile. It will go, however, in it's own time...
— Marie A.
May 19, 2002
I agree with Annie, put away the scale. I only weigh in at the doctors
office. Good luck.
— Karen M.
May 19, 2002
Well I am 11 months post- 0p and I was on a plateau for what seem to be
months. But I finally started being consistant with my water and protien,
Very key and really tried to eleminate sugars. And I broke that @ least 3
months plateau. Hope this helps.
— Carolyn M.
May 20, 2002
My opinion is that You WILL NOT lose without ATLEAST 64 ounces of water.
But hey you know what they say about opinions... Good Luck to you.
— Kristina P.
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