Can someone please explain exacty what an NG Tube is?

I'd like to know Where the tube is inserted (nose or throat), and how far down does it go? Does it make you feel like gagging? I have a VERY sensitive gag reflex (strong stomach - nothing makes me quesy), but if anything touches the back of my out! I'm REALLY nervous about this aspect of the surgery. THe idea of waking up and having this tube down my throat and not being able to swallow or talk really scares me. What if I start to throw up with this thing down my throat? Will I choke to death? I know it sounds silly - but this is one of my biggest fears about the surgery - except dying of course......    — Kathi R. (posted on February 24, 2002)

February 24, 2002
Kathy I am pre op but this past week in preparation for my surgery they were going over the process with me. I was told the ng tube was less than the thickness of a pencil and that (since I'm gaggy like you :) to ask the nurse to spray the back of your throat to numb it.
   — Laurie B.

February 24, 2002
The NG tube is a tube that goes down your nose, and down the throat... I am super gaggy too and they had a wonderful spray to help the gaggy stuff, but by the time I really got sick of it (I was allowed ice chips btw which also made this a LOT better) they told me it could come out. At 3 months out, I barely remember it. It was a SMALL price to pay for how much better I feel now.. You shouldn't be throwing up with this tube in.. it is designed to grab the junk out of your stomach.. I was able to talk as soon as I woke up (mother had to tell me to shut up and rest) and it was more "there" than anything.. just have to make sure that you hold the tube when you move.. it will pull and THAT hurts...
   — Elizabeth D.

February 24, 2002
The NG tube goes down your nose and into your stomach to prevent fluids from building up since you will be having major surgery on your intestines. It kind of gives your gut a rest! Usually it is hooked up to suction so that it pulls the fluids from your stomach and you shouldn't have anything to throw up. It can be irritating but they do use sprays to help with that! Don't worry! Good luck with your surgery!
   — Randi C.

February 24, 2002
I had one when I had my gall bladder removed, but they put it in after they put me to sleep. My only problem with it was that I couldn't even have ice chips until it came out. It was kind of wierd when they pulled it out, but it only took a few seconds.
   — garw

February 24, 2002
It goes thru your nose down to your stomach. They insert it once your asleep. mine was taken out the second day after i had my leak test. It is annoying and the back of your throat might get a little sore mine did but it was out quick and easy and what a relief! Nothing to worry about good luck!
   — Tammy N.

February 24, 2002
I woke up with mine in. It kind of irritated the back of my throat a little. I did have two gagging episodes where I needed help to calm the reflex (nurses just rubbed my back) but even that wasn't too bad. I had mine in for 24 hours, it was very quick when they took it out.
   — M. S.

February 25, 2002
Before getting too panicked about this, check with your surgeon. Not all surgeons use this. Mine didn't!! I was glad. The only "tube" I had when I woke up was my IV and I was really glad I had THAT. Check to be sure you will actually have this. Shelley
   — Shelley.

February 25, 2002
The NG tube goes through your nose and down to your stomach. It is inserted while you are asleep. I had no problem with mine but it is irritating. At least all you feel like doing that first day is sleep and once your leak test is done the next morning they take it out. I was very worried about this but didn't have any problem at all. Don't worry to much its not nearly as bad as it sounds. Good luck. Vicki Mize
   — vmize

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