When should I consider a consult? How much does it cost?
I'm gonna try to lose, If not when should I consult a DR???A little scared... I know at a weight of 379 by now I should know that I have trouble keeping weight off. I also know that I need to learn how to eat small meals several times a day which I have been working hard on. I told my mom today that I am going to come home from college for a semester in the fall. I also told her that if I cannot lose weight this time around, I am going to look into WLS. I am not ready to give up on dieting just yet, because I know that I do well when I follow a plan. The problem is also I am very scared about getting surgery again. I don't heal very well (another complication of my weight) I had breast reduction surgery in May 2000, and I had a lot of problems with Post surgical infection, the year prior to that I had ovarian surgery and healed badly after that. Yet, I am so scared that if I don't do something in the next year I may die or something. So, if I am gonna try dieting for the next 6 months when is a good time to consult??? How much does a consult cost? The insurance I am gonna sign up for does not pay for Dr visits. — Michelle H. (posted on February 14, 2002)
February 14, 2002
I think you should call for a consult now and it may just take 6 months to
get in to see the surgeon for a consultation. If you have insurance, they
should pay for it as long as the doctor is listed on your plan and you have
the referral. You should also have your primary doctor monitor your diet,
that way you can use it as part of a diet history.
— Dawn H.
February 14, 2002
I called around and the average cost of a consultation was $250.00, I also
called around to get a consult and the wait time can be from 3 months to 6
months so why don't you go ahead and call and make and an appointment and
then diet while your waiting!!
I didn't have the patience to wait for UCDMC, it would have taken a year
just to get the consult. Luckily I found a wonderful surgon in my area and
it only took 3 weeks to get a consult. He's a very experienced RNY surgon
so I feel confident with his skills!! Good luck on your journey!!
— Sopha W.
February 14, 2002
My bariactric consultation cost 85.00. A friend had one that cost 150.00.
You need to check with places that are around your area to find out the
costs. And yes, you should call soon. It only took me about 2 weeks to get
a consultation, but they had a cancellation which helpd me get in that
soon. Take care and good luck.
— [Anonymous]
February 14, 2002
I paid $85.00 when I went to the Bariatric Treatment Center and my
insurance company reimbursed me 90%. But I would call first to see. You can
consult a doctor now about weight loss surgery because it usually takes a
while before you get an appt. anyway so you could still be on your diet and
have a back up plan in progress
— Samitra D J.
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