Could someone please list all the vitamins you take post-op, brand names, dosages...

and where you buy them? Thanks.    — [Anonymous] (posted on January 28, 2002)

January 28, 2002
This is what I take daily(12 weeks post op) Centrum(my multivitamin), zantac, 2 iron pills, 2 calcium chews(I LOVE VIACTIV), and Vitamin B12(made by NatureMade--I believe it is $4.99 a bottle) Hope this helps!
   — Antonia D.

January 28, 2002
I'm 12 weeks post op and I take 1 prescription iron pill every other day. I also take a prescription pre-natal vitamin every other day. That's it.
   — Patty H.

January 28, 2002
I take Animal Friends 3 or 4 a day they are made by TwinLab and they are a childrens chewable..
   — Donell D.

January 29, 2002
I would check with your doctor as to what he or she wants you to be taking, especially what kind of calcium. There is a hotly contested debate regarding the calcium issue... I take CitraCal - which is Calcium citrate... which is what most post ops take... as it absorbs better then all the others... and I dont want to take a chance 20 years down the road with brittle bones.. somewhere online I found a chart that showed absorption rates of the different calciums... Calcium Citrate and Calcium Fumarate were the best.... Fumarate is what is found in some Crystal Light drink mixes..... I take a generic Costco brand children's chewable... and Biotin... along with a B-Complex...
   — Pamela W.

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