What should i take to the hospitial and what should i have waiting at home??

   — [Anonymous] (posted on January 7, 2002)

January 7, 2002
Plz clarify - are you by yourself? Or someone with you going to hospital and someone at home. I needed nothing- no slippers or robe- did finally use toothbrush and paste and conb. And a good pillow! At home you need lots of water and my dr said puree food for several weeks - 8. You can buy baby food - cereal- aoolesauce yogurt- remember your teeth will puree your food too=so eat about anything I guess except maybe meat- read AMOS and everyone seems to have their ideas. Best wishes- I had every thing but the kitchen sink ready to go - bu used restraint- ha
   — charlene M.

January 7, 2002
Contact Michelle Curran. She has an incredible list of everything you will need/be able to eat at several stages. She even has a list of what to have at the hospital.
   — Goldilauxx B.

January 7, 2002
Check out Victoria Bowens page, she has a egroups site and click on Ava Lees info pages there is all of the info that you need and more, including what to take to the hospital. Hope this is helpful Debbie H
   — peaceangel58

January 8, 2002
I don't know how far away you live from your hospital, but if it is any distance make sure you bring a pillow to put over your stomach in the car. I lived just over two hours away and this really helped. I put the pillow over my stomach and made sure that I had some pain killers right before I left. The nurse let me stay about a half hour longer for this reason. I managed to sleep most of the way home and I wasn't super uncomfortable.
   — Leah L.

January 8, 2002
I all I needed was my toothbrush and hairbrush. The hospital provided every thing else. One thing I wished I had was an extra fan. Some of the meds you get will give you hot flashes and the one fan they had wasn't enough.
   — Kelly C.

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