Any body else frustrated with how long this is taking?

I can't stand going to my support group because I am so darn jealous of people who have had WLS after me, who are already at goal weight. I am 19 months post op, have lost 200 pounds and still have another 120 to go (about 25 of which will be excess skin removal). I saw recent pictures and I am still HUGE (no other way to describe 294 pounds) and am starting to look like a hound dog. AAAARRRRGGGGGGH! I WANT RESULTS NOW!!!!!!! This is just taking too long to suit me, but I guess there is nothing I can do, except vent and keep plugging away. Right? Any suggestions?    — merri B. (posted on January 6, 2002)

January 6, 2002
Your a double century club member and unhappy. You must feel so much better now than you did 200 pounds heavier. The super MOs take longer to get to goal, and are less likely to get to chart weight. But you have so much more to gain. Be happy for today and what you have! Time will take care of this....
   — bob-haller

January 6, 2002
I think it's wonderful that you've lost 200# in a year and a half!! I have a friend who started at 700 pounds, had the surgery and lost sooo much weight in the first 2 years. Then she plateaued and still has 130 to go to get to goal weight, so she is having a "revision" done to her bypass...they will bypass more intestine to promote more malabsorption. Her surgery is in a few weeks and she is completely excited all over again! Plus, insurance will cover it because she is still M.O. It will be exciting to watch her continue her transformation!!
   — [Anonymous]

January 6, 2002
Take heart dear girl... You have come so far and have lost so much to get downhearted now. I have always considered myself one of the slow losers (or at least average) and yes I do get down when I read about those who have had the surgery after me and have lost more than me. At those times I back away from the support groups and concentrate on just me... then when I feel better I go back in and start replying again. I also have to remind myself that this is the first time I have ever lost weight and not gained it back "plus" some! In fact, this is the first time EVER that I have made it through the holidays losing weight and not gaining! That in itself is a great thing!!! Take care and just keep on doing whatever it is you have been doing that got you this far! You really are an inspiration to us all having lost 200 pounds!!!!
   — Kellie Jo B.

January 6, 2002
I hear ya...I started at 463(rny 3/31/94) and at 18 mos post op had lost 218 lbs and stopped. Here I was at 242 lbs, at a weight a lot of people were starting at. talk about jealousy, people who had the surgery at 250 lbs lost all their weight in 6 or 7 months and were wearing size 8s and i was still a size 18/20 shirt and 22w pant ARRRRRRRRGHHHH. I won't go into too much but because of the frustration i relapsed. It took me til 11/00 to get under 200 lbs and hit my goal on 10/10/01. It took me 7 and a half years. Talk about slow........LOL Hang in there. if you are doing what you are supposed to do and you know what you need to do, the weight will come off, it has to. Hugs Rita then 463/now 185, Now wearing a size sm/med blouse and a size 10/12 dress (okay, 14 pant but got those jelly thighs and huge hips....I can deal with it)
   — vt_rita

January 6, 2002
Merri, I think it's wonderful that you have come this far. It is a long journey, but think about the wonderful light at the end of the tunnel!!!! Just take one day at a time..Best of luch to you. Lyn
   — Lyn R.

January 6, 2002
could you have lost that much weight in 19 months without WLS?
   — Brenda S.

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