I have lost no weight in over a year .

My surgery was over 3 years ago for the last year i cant seem to get on track,Im hungry all the time and eat more than I should be eating.    — [Anonymous] (posted on January 4, 2002)

January 4, 2002
Have you seen a copy of the "pouch rules"? There was a copy posted on the message board last month. I saved it for reference because there's a lot of good information there. If you are unable to find a copy, post that and I will put another copy on the message board.<P> Not all doctors agree on rules. This artice was written several years ago by one who had been doing the old type of gastric bypass surgery for a long time. Much of what's there is the same thing my surgeon told me. <P> Some of the rules are protien first, then veggies and fruit, last carbs. Eat no more than 3-4 times per day. Water load between meals. No liquid 15 minutes before or 90 minutes after a meal. Stay away from high-calorie liquids. Exercise is a must!<P> The article explained the reasoning for the rules. I'm inquisitive enough that I want to know why. The doctor in the chat a couple of nights ago explained that you have to exercise to keep your metabolism up. He also said how much you eat is not as important as how much you exercise.<P> I have discovered that eating carbs early in the day cause me to be hungry all day long. I follow the rules very closely and am doing well so far. <P> Good luck, it's not easy, but take one step at a time and you be back on track soon.
   — [Anonymous]

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