Please suggest some good travel food... 16 hrs of flight
We're flying to England from the West coast via New York soon, and I'm worried about the airplane food (we're flying United). I'm traveling with a 2 year old, so I've already decided to pack a bag of snacks, but what will work for me? Beef jerky kills me... way too dry. Cheese MIGHT work but I'm trying to avoid carrying ice packs. I'm also worried about carrying protein powder on board with all the recent security stuff. Any ideas? I'm going to need to do this both ways... the flight back is via San Francisco and the first leg is 11 hrs 10 minutes! Thank goodness I'm down to size 22 instead of size 32 so I won't be DYING in my seat! LOL — Julia M. (posted on December 15, 2001)
December 15, 2001
Hi....I don't have ideas on travel food at this time but wanted to tell you
to make sure you bring a bottle of water......actually more than one
bottle. For every hour you are on a plane you lose a pint of water from
your body. I read that in Carnie Wilson's book. She learned the hard way
about dehydration and flying. So make sure you drink plenty of water while
on that plane!
— Kim B.
December 15, 2001
How about protein bars instead of shakes? Also, one thing that I have
travelled with is a product by "Handi snacks". In it are
breadsticks (crunchy) and cheese to dip those sticks into. They don't need
refrigeration. I can do these really well. I am not sure what you feel
about carbs (I don't worry too much about them), but I like Nature Valley
Oats and Honey (crunchy) granola bars. These would travel well. They have a
small amount of protein. How about peanut butter crackers? Nuts? Yogurt is
pretty durable out of the frig. Fruit cups? (small cans of fruit or
applesauce). Have a great trip! Shelley
— Shelley.
December 15, 2001
I will post this reminder here too. Long flights create a blood clot risk,
espically bad for those who have had surgery lately. 16 hours I would go
insane on that long of a flight! YUK. Anyhow everyone should get up and
move about the cabin at least hourly, and flex your muscles while sitting
in your seat as well. Fly first class for bigger seats if you can afford
it. Have a great trip.
— bob-haller
December 15, 2001
A friend had surgery and traveled and she found if she brought yogurt the
airlines were happy to keep it refrigerated. You might also try some of
the protein shakes in individual cans. If you can't refrigerate it you
could even pour it over a cup of ice on the plane. You might ask too when
you get your tickets prior to your trip if there any accommodations they
can make with respect to food. If there is a microwave on board for
instance individual sized microwave foods (non refrigerated and non frozen
would work. Most airlines have spring water now so let them know this is
something you will need. You could start out each part of the trip with a
huge bottle (like 32 oz) you can carry on and sip to get you started. Enjoy
your trip.
— AJC750
December 16, 2001
String Cheese (it comes individually wrapped) & it keeps without
refrigeration for several days at least. Tuna now comes in the easy open
pack, just ask for a fork or bring crackers. Nuts. Higher in fat, but good
protein (chew well).If it were me, I would get a crunch taco from taco bell
to start off with!
— Barbara B.
December 16, 2001
I traveled from San Antonio to Venetzia, Italy at 4 weeks post-op. I
carried protein bars, canned protein shakes, yogurt, sugar free applesauce,
cheese cubes and crackers. I asked the flight attendant to refigerate the
perishables. My flight was a total of 15 hrs between three flights. At 4
weeks post-op, my docs concern was blood clots so he gave me a blood
thinner and asked me to get up and walk as much as possible. Good luck and
have a safe trip. Ciao~~~ :) :)
— perezrdh
December 16, 2001
I forgot to mention that I am allergic to nuts, peanuts, and soy. This is
an incredible nuisance!! I've yet to find a protein bar that doesn't have
any of those ingredients, so those are out. The cheese and crackers,
yogurt, and applesauce are all good ideas though. Also, I am going to go to
GNC and look at some of the pre-mixed protein drinks. Even if they taste
bad, they will get me through the day. I've done the Seattle to Europe
thing while pregnant, and each of us starts each leg with 2 1 liter bottles
of water, and finishes them on the flight. I'm well aware of how much the
plane dehydrates you... even with drinking 2 liters plus the drinks they
serve you on the flight I usually still only have to pee once per flight. I
usually force water the day before, too, just so I start off in good shape;
I think I drank 5.5 liters the day before I flew last time. It's crazy, but
it's worth it! My in-laws haven't seen their 2 year old granddaughter for a
year.. and I'm sure that traveling with her, I will up and down the aisles
quite frequently. :-) Happy holidays everyone!
— Julia M.
December 16, 2001
Have you called ahead for a special meal on the plane? It's free, and
you're assured that it's made specially for you (it's fresh). I usually
order a veggie or fruit meal. Also, bottled water is free onboard too. Just
take a large apple, a cottage cheese/tuna mix in a small container, a
banana, or some peanut butter and crackers. Remember, you won't be eating
as much as before, so this along with your special meals is enough for the
eleven hour flight. And drink your bottled water!
— [Anonymous]
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