Has anyone ever had the surgery and didnt lose weight or

lost very little weight?? I am having surgery in 3 days dec 18th and I have been having strange dreams about it...this question being one of them....    — Deanna Wise (posted on December 15, 2001)

December 14, 2001
I had an open RNY on 8/16/00. I just knew that I was going to be the only person that this surgery didn't work for. They pumped me so full of fluids when I was in the hospital that I gained 8 pounds. I was totally discouraged. But, I am very happy to say that 16 months later I am down 319 pounds. I went from 469 to 150, an 8x to a size 10. This surgery is a tool. How much weight you lose is kind up to you. The key for me is water, water, and more water. The more I drink the more I lose. I hope this helps you.
   — DeeDubbs

December 15, 2001
I am about 3 weeks pre-op and I keep thinking the same thing as you.Like I will be the only one that does not lose a pound. I also have dreams, but mine are of being skinny..I like way some of the stories I read about people that had poor weight loss was due to either poor diet or staple disruption. I talked to my surgeon in detail about everything he was gonna do.I asked him if he transects the stomach and he said yes, because this has shown to be the best way for long term and prevent disruption and having to go back for revision. Make sure you talk to your surgeon about your concerns so you know exactly what type of procedure he will be doing and make sure you have your diet that you need to follow.Good Luck<3
   — garyzgurl

December 15, 2001
Everyone but the intentionally dumb loose. With the RNY the only way to defeat the surgery is sipping high calorie liquids like Dairy Queen 24 / 7. Now some loose more than others thru motivation, like by exercising a lot. I too was afraid of failure, and the fear is still there. But I am down 100 pounds since surgery. You will be a success.
   — bob-haller

December 15, 2001
About one in a thousand cannot lose weight, even with this surgery. These people usually have some disease, like cushing's disease or prader willis syndrome. (You can find out what these are by going to and searching for them on the net) However, any competant surgeon can figure out if you have either disease since both have other symptoms besides excess weight. Some things will making losing weight slower. I'm fighting pcos and a pear shape myself. Women who carry most their weight on their butts and thighs and lower tummy will generally have a more difficult time losing than apple shaped people... Note I said difficult, not impossible. Most people having trouble do seem to sabatoge themselves. Either they graze or don't exercise. Some people don't exercise and lose weight anyway. The chances of it failing for you are pretty slim, and slim is good:)
   — Becky K.

December 15, 2001
That should read 1 in 14,000.
   — Becky K.

December 17, 2001
I too thought I would be the only person that this surgery wouldn't work for. I started losing very slow and got even more afraid it wasn't going to work for me. It is because I had no hope before and couldn't comprehend that after all this time that I might actually really be able to do it. I have lost 100 lbs now at 5 months post-op, I guess it's working!!!!!! I am still amazed every time I weigh in that it is really working for me and until I see the scales I convince myself sometimes that it isn't. It will work, work with it and you will accomplish what you want. Good luck!!!!
   — Monica F.

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