I'm 3 months post and always worry about dehydration.

I make sure I drink 64 ozs of water a day. Will it be as "easy" to get dehydrated the longer post op you are.I have read about long term post getting dehydrated. How long will it take to get dehydrated, if your not drinking 64 ozs...a day or more. Can you become dehydrated if you drink 64 0zs of water a day? I'm so tired of worring about this and all the other things that can go wrong,since this wls. Help please.    — Julia M. (posted on November 29, 2001)

November 29, 2001
Stop stressing! You won't get dehydrated on 64 oz. of water unless you use a diuretic or exercize A LOT. And it takes several days to get dehydrated, meaning several days of not drinking much at all, or eating high water valued foods. You generally feel pretty crappy when you start to get dehydrated, you fell, well, "dry." I don't think you can be anymore likely to get dehydrated now that you were pre-op, except you probably exercise more (needing more water), but sweat less from living everyday life. I think the post op issue is getting REhydrated, because you are limited in the volume of water you can take in by mouth (hence people getting IVs). Most posties will tell you at 6 months, they can guzzle h2o pretty fast. Stop worrying, and enjoy discovering what your new body can do!
   — M. A. B.

November 29, 2001
A greee with the first poster... dont worry so much, youre doing great! I will tell you the first sign of dehydration is a headache. So, if you seem to have one, and it doesnt go away, check with your doctor. Good luck!
   — Kerry P.

November 29, 2001
I live in a dry climate- Arizona. We lose fluids just by breathing. In the summer I can sweat gallons. 64oz of water is not enough for me. Monitor the color of your urine, keep it clear(no color) to barely yellow tinged, then you know you are well hydrated. For me whenever I feel hungry I drink alot of water first then wait before I eat because I used to confuse hunger for thirst before surgery, i don't want to do it now. I carry a water bottle with me everywhere, its always by my side. I'm almost 4 months out, I sip, sip, sip all day, I'm up to 4 liters a day. But that's what I need, not everyone needs the same. I'm perimenopausal so still have hot flashes and meltdowns even now that its cool. I think they say 64oz of water because thats the minimum to drink while on high protein diet, protein is harmful to kidneys so you need extra water to flush the kidneys to protect them. Of course you need the high protein diet because of our surgeries we need more otherwise our bodys will burn up our muscles including our hearts for the protein it needs. Just monitor your urine color, the closer to no color the better hydrated you are. The darker the urine the more dehydrated you are, at that time drink more water, it goes to work immediately.
   — Helen B.

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