How do you control your diet during your period?

I am four weeks post-op and was doing very well there for a while. At one month post-op, I was down 37 lbs and 31.5" (6" off bust and waist, and 7" off hips). My period started on my one month date, and since then, all I've wanted is carbs. I've fought it, hard, but have also caved a bit, eating some crackers... and I even bought sugar-free, fat-free vanilla ice cream (bleagh) and sugar-free shortbread cookies at the grocery store! S-F food is not so great IMO... serves me right, LOL. I also am just plain eating MORE, more meals, though I am not grazing. I can't figure out if that's good or not... on one hand, my surgeon yelled at me for not eating enough calories (was not getting to 500 each day), and on the other hand, I'm not sure eating every two hours including at 10pm is a good idea. That's part of what got me in trouble in the old days... of course, now I am eating 90 calories of a protein food instead of a 900 calorie beef pot pie (mmm)... it's so hard to tell what's right!! At least I am not eating my old AF friend, Wendy's french fries. Right now they don't even sound good, grease definitely turns my stomach these days. My weight loss has been kind of stuck for the past three days, but I know I've got water retention issues and I'm hoping it all falls away by Sunday or Monday of next week. I'm ready for some ideas, ladies... I want to stay on track.    — Julia M. (posted on October 20, 2001)

October 20, 2001
Hi. I'm only about 7 months out from my Open RNY. I wondered how I would do with the monthly cravings as well. I did the exact same thing. I gave in to some of my cravings and just did my best. I believe that we have SOME of these cravings for good reason and maybe we should listen to them ;) I think you're doing fine. Just don't STAY on that diet ;) LOL Just do what you're doing w/ the sf stuff. You'll be fine. I gave in here and there and still managed to lose 110 lbs so far. Good Luck...I feel for ya!
   — Nicole P.

October 22, 2001
Before surgery I was on diabete meds that were effecting my PMS & hormones so bad that my doctor had me on Prozac for several years. PMS post-op was a huge concern for me! I'm now 8 weeks post-op, haven't been on any of my meds since the operation and on my 3rd go round of PMS without Prozac. What I found really works best is making sure that I get enough calcium each day 1000-1200mcgs. My PMS the first time was non-existant cause I still had the effects of Prozac, the next month I knew I needed some help and my PCP, not surgeon, told me to try the viactive chewable calcium supplements---just 2 a day. I'm currently a few days from my period and my hubby can't believe that I'm not flying around and off of my broom, craving potato chips (an alltime PMS necessity), and really being a nice person! The calcium does help, and to control some of the carb cravings. As far as eating more or less frequently, my PCP has worked with several surgeons in our area, some limit calorie intakes to twice a day, others three meals a day, and others more frequently. His take was to listen to your surgeon as long as you are under his care, then do whatever works to keep the weight off. It sounds as if you're doing fine, I'd say 90 calories versus 900 is good anyday! As far as your plateauing, that is normal, and it happens to many of us, especiall "at that time". Just try and take an extra walk or do a few minutes more of exercise at the gym, that trick always works for me, in my post-op and former dieting days too! I've worked with support groups for diabetics for a long time, and you aren't the only one to get cravings----diabetics get them all the time, and they are the worst things to drive you bonkers! What most health care professionals suggest it to plan to satisfy the craving with a small amount worked into your meal plan. In other words, eat your cake, but adjust your diet to accomodate it! Personally, I still crave chocolate during PMS, and those small candy bars that are out this time of year, are wonderful---in fact I've started each meal with one yesterday and today, (I had a VBG and don't worry about dumping from sugar). As far as the sugar free products, forget about them---they truely are bad tasting and most have just as much carbs if not more than the regulare versions!
   — [Anonymous]

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