Does anyone have ideas on what I can do?

Unusual complication = malpractice? First of all, I think my surgeon did an excellent job. What happened was NOT his fault; he has never had this happen before in 22 years. However, it IS the hospital's fault. Basically, I received a second-degree burn on my back where the cauterization unit's grounding pad was because the cauterization unit was not functioning properly (it's not supposed to work at all if it's not 100% grounded). The burn was 12 inches wide and 4 inches high, and here at a month post-op, it still has at least another month of healing to go. I am going to have a huge scar and the plastic surgeon I talked to said it's going to be hard to get rid of it with my tummy tuck because of the location of the burn. I had to stay out of work longer than I wanted to because of the possibility of infection (my doctor still wants me to stay home but I just can't afford to at partial pay) and I still have a lot of pain. I also cannot take a bath or swim. I have spent over $100 on dressings already and have more than a month to go. My doctor filed an incident report with the hospital, but I think the hospital should pay me for the hell they've put me through. (I have a photo of the burn on my website on the scars page if you want to see it at 11 days post-op.) Has anyone got any experience with this, or ideas for me?    — Julia M. (posted on October 16, 2001)

October 16, 2001
Oh, Julia, I feel so bad for you. I am so very sorry you had to go through something like this and I think you are absolutely right - the hospital should pay - and not only for the cost of the supplies you needed, but for your pain and suffering and loss of pay - due to their total negligence. My suggestion would be to find a good attorney, specifically one who handles malpractice cases, if possible. I wish you the very best and hope this will be the last of the misfortunes you will ever have to endure. Nancy
   — Nancy Z.

October 16, 2001
Hi Julia, I'm so sorry for what happened to you. I looked at the photo on your website. I would IMMEDIATELY consult with a qualified medical malpractice attorney. Do not wait on this! Very important! There is no doubt that the hospital is at fault in this situation. They have insurance and they should compensate you for ALL your troubles including future plastic surgery. How unfortunate! I hope your recovery is swift and complete. But do not wait on this...consult an attorney immediately. Hugs, Joy
   — [Deactivated Member]

October 16, 2001
Hi Julia :-) I have been reading your updates and saw the post (and pictures) you made about the burn. I'm in 100% agreement that you should contact an attorney ASAP! There is NO excuse for what happened to you. Take care and please keep us posted at the BF group. We'd like to know how things progress. Godspeed on your recovery.
   — Jeralyn Merideth

October 16, 2001
Can you spell A-T-T-O-R-N-E-Y? THIS is what God put personal injury attornies on the earth for. Good Luck to you!
   — merri B.

October 16, 2001
There are statute of limitations on injuries. You need to contact an attorney immmediately. If you dont know of one, just watch daytime TV there are plenty of them advertising that specialize in personal injuries. DO NOT contact the hospital and request anything, Leave it to your attorney. Best wishes and I hope you heal faster than you expect. Hugs to you for all you have gone through
   — [Anonymous]

October 17, 2001
The other posters are right. Contact a lawyer ASAP. Do not dign any release from the hospital. You may however wish to settle out of court. I'm just thinking that when left to a jury they may be biased considering the surgery you were getting, as so many people are ignorant and can't and don't want to understand. It may not work in your favor to go to Court, but then again one can never tell what a jury will do. But it's somehting you should consider, if you get a reasonable settlement offer. Talk it over with your lawyer. Good luck and keep us posted!
   — [Anonymous]

October 17, 2001
Julia--I agree with the other posters. You should definitely consult an attorney. I don't think it necessarily has to be one specializing in med mal alone, as from what you describe, there are a number of causes of action that should be examined, including tortious negligence and product liability (if the machine is not supposed to work if not grounded, and wasn't grounded when you were injured). Like the others said, I would probably not contact the hospital or respond to contacts from them on your own. See an attorney first, and they could handle these things. Based on the type of case and likelihood of success, you probably won't need to pay anything up front...just part of settlement/verdict. Please do follow this up...I let something like this go before and I'm sorry about it now. I think the minimum statute of limitations is one year for a tort, so you have time to address this the right way. I understand that you feel your doctor did his job and it was unfortunate it ended this way, but even if you weren't to go for punitive damages, you should at least be able to recover for the costs you will sustain because of their actions. Keep us updated. Good luck.
   — Tracy L.

October 17, 2001
Experience,no. Advice, yes. Call a malpractive attorney. Most hospitals have "Patient Relations" departments who deal with such things. You could write them a letter (....with a copy) going to the President of the hospital (or whatever his/her title) stating the circumstances of your injury and requestinf reimbursement for expenses and lost wages relating to the injury. The "incident report" simply documents the injury for the protects the hospital and the doc...not the patient. Personally, I would see an attorney pronto! ...and your doc might, indeed, share some of the responsibilty for what happened. Don't let him off the hook so easily. He's no fool, of course he wants to place all the blame on the hospital, he doesn't want a claim against his malpractice insurance.
   — [Anonymous]

October 17, 2001
OH MY GOSH!!!! I looked at your picture of the burn. RUN, don't walk to the phone and call a lawyer. I'm not one for suing, but in your case I think it is very warranted. While you were in the hospital, did anyone representing the hospital come to you and express how sorry they were?? Not that it would make you feel better, but it would be nice to heat that they at least showed a little care. Good Luck to you!
   — DebbieJ

October 17, 2001
I wouldn't waste any more time......Get Ye to a Malpractice Attorney. Where are you located? One of the best malpractice attorneys are located in Great Neck, New York. They are Pegalis & Waxman. It's worth the phone call...maybe they can recommend someone for you. Otherwise, call the AMerican Bar Association...they can help you out.
   — Dianne K.

October 17, 2001
I am located near Seattle, WA, and started calling around to find an attorney today. I don't want to deal with a shark or an ambulance chaser... OK, this might make it hard for me to find an attorney :-) ... but I'll find the right person. <br><br>I'm sorry that Betty felt so cynical about Dr. Weber... she's right that he's ultimately responsible, but nobody had any idea that anything had gone wrong until 6 days post-op when the burn blister popped. Because I could not see the burn, I didn't know I had it until then; I thought I had a patch of dry skin from being in bed so much.<br><br>I have very mixed feelings about pursuing this but I do feel the hospital owes me some money for having crappy equipment. Stay tuned via my profile!
   — Julia M.

October 18, 2001
Boy oh boy....this surgeon is one lucky guy. Of course, he knew that dropping a cauterizing instrument on a patient's skin would cause an injury. Helloooooo....he *is* a doctor! So, he files his incident his side....and makes buddies with the patient's family so that they feel all "warm and fuzzy" about him when the burn flares. What a sleazy makes me wonder about the whole story.
   — [Anonymous]

October 18, 2001
Anonymous (of course, you're not brave enough to use a real name), you obviously didn't even read the question or look at the photos on my website. It is completely IMPOSSIBLE for the cauterization unit (the hand-held part) to have caused the burn I have. It's in the small of my back, upon which I rested throughout my surgery. Unless they heaved up all 303 lbs of me and turned me on my side to deliberately burn me, there's no way he could've reached! Also, the burn is HUGE, not tiny like you'd get with the tip of the cauterization gun. Finally, the burn is UNDER where the cauterization system grounding pad was placed.<br><br>Responses like yours, inconsiderate and not helpful, keep people from even asking questions here! When you make snide remarks like you did, you do a real disservice to our community.<br><br>Thanks to everyone who took the time to look at my situation and to think about it; I appreciate your thoughtfulness and concern.
   — Julia M.

October 18, 2001
First of all, I am sooooo sorry you even have to go through this. I know it' corny but i hope you get better!!!!!!! I'm w/ all posters who say get a PI attorney!!!, You should depending get at least 3X the amount of $ you have spent and lost work, and diress( sp?). My best friend's hubby is a PI attorney here in Houston. Wish I could help you. You WILL be compensated for this, but do get an attorney!!!!
   — Cindee A.

October 24, 2001
Well, I've talked to the President of the Washington State Bar and he says that I *DO* have a case against the hospital, and he gave me the name of two attorneys that would handle this sort of case and that he holds in high esteem. Wish me luck! It is such a relief to be told that I do have a case!! I knew I did, but understanding the laws is a completely different matter.
   — Julia M.

October 24, 2001
This exact situation happened to a woman in our local support group. Her burn was/is hideous and was the worst part of her post op recovery. I wish you luck in your proceedings.
   — BethVBG

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