Since I quit smoking just prior to RNY - will this slow down the weight loss

after the surgery? Recent quitters - do you find you average the same weight loss as others?    — Erin H. (posted on October 15, 2001)

October 15, 2001
I quit 2 1/2 months before sugery. Though in the beginning, i think my weight loss was slow, I am sure it has nothing to do with quitting smoking. Remember, even when you should not pick up a cigarette , you CANNOT pick up and eat something to take it's place like you could before the surgery. There is no room, and I think it would be sabotoging your surgery.I feel like I could pick one up and smoke it, more so now than before I had surgery, but only because I can't eat anything to take it's place.I DO CHEW GUM THOUGH. As far as the losing slow, I think that has passed, and was just my body going into shock from not eating and holding on for dear life. I am down about 35 pounds now, since Sept 14. Good luck
   — Marie A.

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