Should I appeal now or wait?
My first surgeon consult was on August 9, and on that same day I received a letter of denial saying I did not meet the criteria. (I guess they based it on my PCP letter of recommendation) So should I go ahead and send my appeal letter, or wait till the surgeon sends her infromation and I hear back from the insurance company regarding her request. — Lynda T. (posted on August 20, 2001)
August 20, 2001
I would appeal now because you've already been denied. You can
include a letter from your surgeon; but, the insurer is looking
for documentation of medical necessity from your pcp, they aren't
terribly interested in what the surgeon is saying.
— [Anonymous]
August 20, 2001
Appeal now, you only have a certain amount of time to do it in and then
you'll have to start all over again. I think my insurance company gave me
60 days.
— [Anonymous]
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