Here is a good article about WLS

Hi. I found this good article on Medscape about wls. I wasn't sure whether to put this post on Q&A or message board, but I thought Q&A because it would just get lost on mb. If you go to & then scroll down the page till you find the article title to click on: "CME Medical Management of Obesity, George S. H. Cowan, Jr., M.D.; Arthur Frank, M.D." Sorry I don't have a direct link to this article; anyone know it? Anyway, this article is alittle technical, but good. Dr. Cowan sounds like a very caring & dedicated surgeon; I know alot of you have him as your surgeon. Well I hope this article is helpful.    — lalasmommy (posted on August 18, 2001)

August 19, 2001
Alexandra, I would love to read the article but I can't get on the site! I tried and tried. Other people have posted complete articles on this forum. If you can't post it, can you possibly attach to an e mail. Sounds interesting! Thanks for all your informative posts!
   — Marilyn C.

August 20, 2001

   — lalasmommy

August 20, 2001
OK. I tried to copy & paste the article but I guess it didn't work. Maybe it's breaking some copyright laws? I don't know. Sorry I couldn't get this article here for you all to read. Maybe I did it wrong; I'll try one more time.
   — lalasmommy

August 20, 2001

   — lalasmommy

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