How long where you gone from work?

I'm strongly considering this surgery...and I was wondering how much recovery time is there?...I've read that most patients stay in the hospital about 4 days after surgery..but how long till you can return to work...I am a receptionist if that is applicable to yalls answers..    — Ashley M. (posted on July 20, 2001)

July 20, 2001
Two weeks. I also have a desk job. I think I could have probably gone back after one week. The only problem was my work clothes. My bra rubbed against the top of the incision which was uncomfortable...and I just couldn't face climbing into pany hose.
   — Anne G.

July 20, 2001
I have an office job also and had and open RNY on 6/26. I had no complications but will be off of work for at least 6 weeks. If you have paid leave take off as long as you can because just when you think you are feeling better it starts gong downhill again. Your body will need all of the rest it can get and driving will be a challenge for awhile. Good Luck!
   — ROBIN R.

July 20, 2001
Remember that each of is so different in how we respond to surgery and heal, but I went back to a fairly sedentary job at three weeks following an open-RNY on 6-19-01. I only went back two days for the first week though and this week I worked 3 days. Am I tired? Yes, but it felt good to be going back to work. If I don't work, I don't get paid as I am considered part-time. If I had paid time off I probably would have taken a few more weeks. Good Luck!
   — Molly S.

July 20, 2001
I am a new post-op and am still at home. I took 2 full weeks off of work. I have completed my first week off and feel well but am very exhausted. I would make sure that you feel like you can complete eight hours of "fun" at work before trying to get back. I also was afraid of how my eating will be so I want to get a schedule down first and stick to it before going back to work.
   — arebella

July 21, 2001
A lot will depend on whether you have an open or lap surgery. With my lap RNY, I had a 2 day hospitalization and returned to a full-time office position 8 days post-op. My daughter returned to teaching a classroom full of rowdy 4 year-olds 14 days after her lap RNY. We both tired easily, but were functional and had no problems. If you listen to your body, it will tell you when to move ahead and when to hold back. I think it's critical to get enough rest and sleep post-op, no matter which type of procedure you may have....and be very careful to comply with your surgeon's restrictions regarding lifting. You are going to have the rest of your life to enjoy the benefits of this good to yourself during those first few weeks post-op. Good luck!
   — Diana T.

May 16, 2005
I Thought that I would be one of those people that would bounce back quickly and be back to work in a couple of weeks. Now 6 weeks later, I am just now returning to work. I am working 1/2 days for the first week back. Today I went in for 4 hours and when that 4 hour mark struck, I was ready to go lay down and rest. I went home and felt sick for 3-4 hour. I dry vomited several times and just could not shake the discomfort. No matter what my head said, my body refused to follow. I said that I would breeze through this surgery and be one of the true success cases.....I am still waiting!!! Do not go back to work until you can handle it. There is federal law out there to protect workers under the Family Medical Leave Act. Just like parental leave, you are guaranteed your job for 12 weeks. (they don't have to pay you while you are out, unless you have time saved up, but they do have to hold your job for you). Anyway, there is my 2-cents worth.
   — Marie D.

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