I need to know how many people deal with or have dealt with nausea.

i'm so sick of feeling sick all the time. does it ever go away or is this something i have to live with the rest of my life. i'm so frustrated with this damn nausea. help. any input would be great.    — enriqueta C. (posted on July 18, 2001)

July 18, 2001
Have you tried drinking ginger tea? Ginger helps with nausea and I find that hot tea feels really good on my tummy.
   — PT LawMom

July 18, 2001
I know how you feel really! I was constantly sick to my stomach until week 8. I still at times have bouts with it. I have found that if I wait to long to eat that can be a cause of it. I also have found that peppermint tea works well with the yucky feeling. I hope that you will feel better soon. I felt like I was never going to get over it and then presto one day I felt "normal" again.
   — Tawny F.

July 18, 2001
It's awful, isn't it? But yes...eventually it does go away. I am one year out now and can report that I almost never get sick anymore. I too was sick constantly for much longer than I expected to be. My surgeon said my eating should return to normal at about three months, but three months came and went and I was still sick almost all the time. I controled the nausea while at work by eating only protein supplement or protein bars and sometimes some salad. Vegetables were about the only thing I could eat that didn't make me sick. Dinner always made me feel miserable for about two hours after eating...even if I only had one or two bites of a Lean Cuisine, I would have to go lay down on the couch on my side until I felt better. Things improved enormously at nine months. I still have no idea would seem that physically you would heal much quicker than that. I still have to be very careful of what I eat...although I seldom become nauseous, I do get a very uncomfortable feeling when I eat red meat, bread, pasta, rice, etc. I still dump with sugar. I know that it is not for the rest of my life, gradually my eating is normalizing. The bad part is, my appetite is returning too. The first year was uncomfortable but it certainly was an effective way to lose weight. Would I go through this all over again? you betcha. Good luck. Hang it there.
   — Anne G.

July 18, 2001
this may sound odd, but many recovery room nurses (including myself) have nauseated patients smell alcohol wipes. It seems to work pretty often. Of course thats when we often hit them with anti-emetics, but it seems to get us through the gap pretty well. Im not sure how it would help with a long term nausea, but maybe worth a shot?
   — [Anonymous]

July 18, 2001
I took prilosec the first couple months after surgery and it greatly helped. I stopped taking it too soon and found I needed it again but the next time I went off it, the nausea was gone unless I ate too fast or too much!
   — Denise K.

July 18, 2001
Hi - I just wanted to let you know that I am experiencing the same thing. I thought for a week there that it was getting better, but here I am at week 7 and it's back!! I went and saw my Doc yesterday...official weight loss 38#s. A little slow but I am still jazzed with it!! Anyway, anyone with relief... It would be greatly appreciated!! Karan
   — chance2lv

July 21, 2001
sounds silly, but breathsavers spearmint work great. the spearmint takes the nausea right away! I always keep a roll in my car, purse both up and downstairs! Give it a try! Has worked better than any medication and is quick acting! and an added bonus, fresh breath! LOL
   — Jeanne P.

September 8, 2001
Ice work like a miracle. Good Luck!
   — maureenmosti

November 7, 2001
The other ideas are good ones; I ALWAYS keep chamomile tea on hand. It's an herbal remedy that's been around forever, and works for diarreah & nausea, (it even helped my tiny grandaughter get through her colic!). You can buy it plain in the store, but I like the Celestial Seasonings chamomile with spearmint leaves. It's good plain, but you can add sweetner if you prefer. Sugar free peppermint candies help also. There is nothing like the queasy feeling, is there? Good Luck!
   — tammy R.

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