staple line disruption when you've had the Fobi type procedure?

Is it possible to have a staple line disruption when you've had the Fobi type procedure? Lorraine    — Lorraine L. (posted on July 15, 2001)

July 15, 2001
Fobi transects the old stomach from the new Fobi pouch, or in other words, cuts them totally apart so they are no longer touching. Then, both are stapled/and or/sewn up. The answer to your question is "No, the staple line cannot open up and then allow you to eat more food than you could before it opened up." But, if you don't properly let your new pouch heal, then the answer is "Yes, you can burst open your new pouch's staple line, letting your food loose into your abdominal cavity and you could die from this!" So, I don't know which question you were asking, but this should answer both. Other doctors transect also, not just the Fobi pouch. I am transected and I call it open RNY, Fobi style because my surgeon does a number of little things that Fobi does for his particular RNY surgery. Fobi uses a smaller pouch than my surgeon, but my surgeon places a marker on the old stomach as Fobi does, and wraps a band around the exit hole from the new pouch so it always remains small in size and cannot stretch like Fobi does. Transection is the way to go, I believe.
   — Cindy H.

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