why would the dr. call and leave a message for me to call back in the morning
if everything was set to go and just waiting on the date 1 week why would the dr. call and leave a message for me to call back in the morning I am a nervous wreck that the date has been canceled or something was wrong help i am a nervous wreck. — suzanne M. (posted on July 12, 2001)
July 12, 2001
It's probably just last minute instructions, so that nothing goes wrong.
Probably nothing at all to worry about. I think I would want to hear from
the surgeons office so I'd know I was on thier minds. See how important you
— K T.
July 12, 2001
Suzanne, everytime my doc's office has called me it has been to move my
date closer! Don't be afraid - it could be GOOD news! Pam
— Pamela F.
July 13, 2001
That happened to me,.... but I got my surgery TWO WEEKS EARLIER! Yes!
— Danmark
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