Can I hear from the African -American post-ops that had or have hair loss?

I don't mean to disrespect anyone but i'm curious, I've been hearing about hair loss but most of the situations I've read about are from the caucasions. I really don't mind whether you are caucasion or not , I really want to know what causes the hair loss to begin with. Has any African-American experience this? What does one do about it? I am very pre-op and I am trying to find out as much as I can before going into something that's going to change my life forever! I would appreciate any and every answer I can get. Thank and good luck to all of you.    — [Anonymous] (posted on July 10, 2001)

July 10, 2001
I am African American and I have experienced hair loss. What causes hair loss is the lack of protein we are getting. Beacuse we eat such small amounts, our bodies don't have much to absorb. If your Dr. tells you to drink your protein shakes.. DO IT! If you are unable to stand the taste of the shake, try the bars. If that doesn't work, eat a lot of meat,eggs, cheese ect...It is very important to get in as much protein as you can. It will help you in the long run. Lisa Whyte
   — Lisa W.

July 10, 2001
Lack of protein is not why the hair falls out. It is due to the stress and shock of the surgery!It's how your body handles it. There are people who have eaten very little protein and haven't lost any hair and people who have had lots of protein and lost lots hair. This dsn't happen just for WLS surgery either. It usually happens for most major surgeries. I had this with another surgery and am now waiting to see if I experience it after my BPD/DS. Yes, you want the protein but please realize you can eat lots of protein and still lose your hair. It's nothing that you did wrong. It's your body taking care of itself. This is something that you won't know ahead of time if it will happen to you(unless you've had other surgeries).
   — Linda M.

July 10, 2001
I dont know if this will help or not since I have not had surgery yet but I am currently taking vitamins to aid in my hair growth... I take 5200 mcg of Biotin, it is supposed to aid in the growth of hair, also 1000 mg's of MSM which is supposed to help with loss... along with many others but these seem to help the most with growing so I dont see why they couldnt help with losing along with getting in as much protein as possible. Hope this helps.
   — Tara S.

July 10, 2001
Hi, I too am African-American, 7 week post op and suffered hair loss. I have had surgery a total of 4 times and each time, I suffered hair loss. For most, the loss is due to anesthesia that was administered during surgery. However, in our case with this surgery, we also have an additional component that has been mentioned before, lack of protein. This is the first time that my hair has come out in such quantity. Before you become alarmed, DON'T. There is hope. Go to any Sally's Beauty Supply and find the small protein rich conditioner packs of Jheri Redding Professional Prescription Super Protein Pac and shampoos high in protein and treat your hair as soon as you are able. There are two excellent products that I use every single night that have stopped the breakage: Protectiv MegaGrowth and Protectiv BreakFree creams. They are very very good and my hair strength and growth is being restored. Hope this helps. Not sure how far away your date is but you might want to start this regiment now. Take care and good luck.
   — Karen B.

July 11, 2001
I don't feel lack of protein is the true cause of hair-loss, because some countries (for example, european countries) have far less protein in their diet than we do (USA). My gut feeling is it is the shock of the whole surgical process; especially the administered anesthesia.
   — [Anonymous]

July 11, 2001
I'm African American,one out of many relatives with hair down to my bottom,and very concerned about my hair.I have had surgery before without any hair lose,but the WLS seems to scare me after reading so many stories.I too have met a few people who had surgery all caucasion,who experienced great hair lose,on my first consult that was probably my first question.The doctor explained it may or may not happen,she was not sure.She did state that most of the patients who lose hair are caucasion,because of the different textures of hair.My heritage is Native-African American,I'm truly praying that it will back me up as with pass surgeries,and also this has not changed my mind one bit about having it done.There is a picture of me on my page,it's not a good one ,but you can see the thickness of my hair.Please e-mail me for comments. [email protected]

July 11, 2001
I am black and am on an email listing of over 100 black women that have had or are having this surgery (you can join if you go to and search for OSSG-Black). Some experience significant hair loss, some don't. One friend attributes it to screwed up estrogen levels. Others to anesthesia and still others to lack of protein. I'm a little worried as I have a natural. I have decided not to get it relaxed because I think that might not help. But I know I can always braid or weave if times get rough. Please feel free to join the email list. We have been talking about hair loss a lot lately. Kim
   — Kimberly L.

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