My surgery was bumped up 2 months!

I am very excited. It is now July 23rd instead of Spetember 10th. Now I have 2 weeks to prepare instead of 2 months! I am excited. I am scared. I want to wake up and enjoy this journey. Any calming advice to remember while checking in at 5:00am? What calmed your fears?    — nvgirl (posted on July 9, 2001)

July 9, 2001
I've not been there myself, but don't go alone.. Being an angel to a now post-op she talked her head off to keep from crying, shaking and losing her mind... Do not take anyone that might get on your nerves =) And make sure you take some carnation instant breakfast if not going to a bariatrich hospital =) Our experience with dietary for her was really awful! They kept bringing her stuff with sugar.. Good luck on your trip to the other side =)
   — Elizabeth D.

July 9, 2001
My surgeon permitted me to take Xanax the morning of surgery. It made all the difference in the world. I highly recommend it for pre-op jitters and fears.
   — [Anonymous]

July 9, 2001
Dear Linda, Congratulations on getting your date moved up. That is so exciting. I am 2 months post op and what really helped me was that I brought a portable CD player with me to the hospital and played Mozart Relaxation CD, it has ocean sounds. It was so relaxing. I would hit my demerol pump and then click on my CD and off to sleep I would go. Bring extra batteries with you. I also would take deep breaths like they teach in LaMaze classes, that really helped me a lot. If you're having open, make sure your hospital provides binders. Mine did, call first to make sure they do. I also had an extra binder put on my hospital bill so that when I got home I could wash one and still wear one. I wore a binder for a month and it really helped me out. Enjoy these next few weeks before surgery. Best of luck to you! :-)
   — Mary B.

July 10, 2001
Hi, I also recommend a mild sedative. I asked my surgeon for Zanax also. It does take the edge off. I don't take it 3X a day as prescribed, but 1 pill right before I go to bed. I tend to lay there and worry about it.. I am having surgery on 7/17 btw. Another thing I did was buy a journal. I am jotting down my expiriences and feelings over the next few weeks. If I'm writing about it I am less likely to fret. I also having been cleaning out the grungiest of my fat cloths. I'm one of those people that wears cloths to they are thread bare (the I'm not going to buy anthing new until I loose weight I can finally look forward to doing that!!). So I put a big bag to the curb this weekend. Felt great. Something else I've been doing is shopping for little things that may be useful when I'm a new post op. Ponds has these neet face washes you can use without soap and water...might make a quick face wash simpler than suddsing up and trying to bend over a sink to rinse off. Baby spoons (actually I bought relish spoons because I'll use them again) is something someone suggested to worked for her during those days of trying to eat smaller mouth fulls. Anyway, I'm beginning to ramble. I hope some of these suggestions are useful. Take care and I wish you a quick and speedy recovery!!!
   — KimBo36

July 10, 2001
One Word....VERSED!!!
   — enjo4

July 10, 2001
Take walks every day preop. This not only calms your body down a bit, but it also helps it get into a little better condition for the surgery! And, pray! (you know how that works, I hope!) Best wishes and enjoy the ride! P.S. Ask for frozen glycerin sticks after the surgery to moisten your dry mouth. Mine were lemon flavored and yummy!
   — Cindy H.

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