Why am I craving food all the time

I had surgery two months ago and have lost only 30 lbs. Now I'm not losing anymore and all i do is eat like I did before surgery. WHAT IS MY PROBLEM?! I hope someone can help me, please. I don't want to have gone through this for nothing! I'm so discouraged.    — [Anonymous] (posted on July 3, 2001)

July 3, 2001
You didn't say what kind of surgery you had or how it was done, nor what your post-op diet actually IS. So, hard for us to pitch in with ideas. It is possible for your staple line to be disrupted, maybe, as far as mechanical error. Or perhaps your pouch has streched prematurely. Or are you getting lots of protein supps? Afloat in good old water? There are so many components that it's hard to pinpiont which is mechanicl and which is behavior.
   — vitalady

July 3, 2001
30 lbs in 2 months is GOOD! Be proud of yourself. Your body may just be catching up with your loss. Most of us DO go through several plateau's during our weight loss...just be patient! Sometimes I'm "always hungry" too ... it could be head hunger. It seems to me that some of us don't get over that. Are you bored? Did you eat enough protein? You'll keep losing and it doesn't really sound like you have stretched your new stomach, but call your dr. if you're worried about it. Good luck.
   — [Anonymous]

July 3, 2001
all of us have a lot of issues to deal with post op. A lot of us have reasons why we are overweight to begin with. My doctor suggests emotional counseling for his patients who are not losing the weight. Please dont think of this as something awful, it just may be what you need to get rid of old baggage and get started on your way to thin you. Good luck !
   — Ronda L.

July 3, 2001
If you are grazing you can certainly eat small amounts all day. I think your weight loss is fine but I would see a counselor and maybe ask about an antidepressant that cuts compulsive eating behavior. Paxil has done wonders for me. Best of luck!
   — Lisa B.

July 4, 2001
I found this article recently that explains sooo much more about the mechanics of this than I knew before...Maybe some info in it will help you to pinpoint the problem. Also, the advice given is excellent. I had slacked off on protein supps and water just because I am feeling so good and eating well so I (in my infinte wisdom LOL) decided I was fine. My weight plateaued and didn't budge. When I read this article, I finally SAW what the problems were and got back on track. Good luck.
   — Sharon_Cauthen

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