Is it normal to have black poop along with constipation?

I'm 5 1/2 weeks post-op from open RNY (distal) and this morning I went to the bathroom and was severely constipated. After about 40 minutes or so, I FINALLY got the &*$^ sucker out and it was BLACK! Could this be related to my vitamins? I'm getting in 8 Vita4Life per day (though according to the pkg., I'm supposed to be taking 12/day), and I'm taking 1 iron pill (Fergon) per day, which is 325mg. Or does the black poop indicate that I am bleeding inside? I'm still feeling light-headed and cold-sweat-like when I'm up & about for too long. It's like I have to bring a folding chair with me where ever I go. PLEASE TELL ME THIS IS *NOT* INTERNAL BLEEDING!!! But if it is, how do they fix it? With surgery?    — [Anonymous] (posted on June 28, 2001)

June 28, 2001
Could be the iron.. its known to darken stools and cause constipation. Couldn't hurt to talk w/ your dr though.
   — Dawn R.

June 28, 2001
Your description is one that makes me think you need to call your DOCTOR now. While taking iron can cause your feces to darken, black stool is not a good thing. Better to check it out and be sure there is nothing going on, than to just wait until you are deathly ill.
   — Helen C.

June 28, 2001
I am in agreement with Dawn that it is probably the iron that you are taking. My mom has to take iron on a regular basis and she had to take a stool softener to help with the effects of the iron.
   — Betty M.

June 28, 2001
I also am a Open RNY distal.. our bowel movements are different then the Proximals Fats move right thru us during the first couple months my Poop was like black tar or a yellow baby poop .. for one thing remember little in little out the Iron could be causing constipation ... be very careful about pushing during bowel movements at first it felt like i needed to push and more needed to come out but my Doc warned me about this when you poop is it hard as a rock that is the big question if it is not hard then stop all the pushing and relax.. like I said before little in little out pooping is a way to eliminate solid food waste and we are not eating enough to have much solid waste good luck Kathy
   — Kathleen M.

June 28, 2001
I take the vit4life vitamins also. I am supposed to take 9 a day. I have low iron but I think the vit4life vitamins are supposed to give us everything we need. Should you be taking additiona iron? If you take 12 tablets as instructed of the vit4life vits, you are getting 266 mg of ferrous fumerate daily. Maybe you shouldn't be taking the extra iron or maybe I should be taking additional iron too! I am trying to increase my iron level. I don't want to have to take injections as they hurt too much. My iron is gradually getting better each two months but is still 38 with a normal being 50 - 150. The strange thing is my pcp says is my hemoglobin is normal. My bM's are dark in color and have a dark green tint to them! I know it is the iron because if I miss my vits they are not dark. For constipation, try ducolax suppostories. They work within an hour and no cramping at all. Good luck.
   — Marilyn C.

June 28, 2001
Everyone is shooting at the same target. There is PLENTY of iron in the V4L vitamin, so the extra iron is probably being sloughed completely. Also, it is ferrous sulfate, yes? That is not absorbed by RNY, so yes, even if that was your ONLY iron, there's a god chance it'd give you tar poop. However, don't let's guess. I'm reinforcing the person who said to take yourself to the doc and make sure it is simply wasted iron and not anything serious. The docs determine that, not us amateurs, much as we want to help.
   — vitalady

June 29, 2001
Try to take a stool sample with you when you go to the doc's so it can be checked for occult blood. Might save you a rectal exam and swab. Good luck!
   — Alicia V.

November 23, 2001
Go straight to your doctor. I was 3 weeks post-op and had the same situation. It ended up that I was internally bleeding and only found this out after passing out several times. I would call you dr immediately. Good Luck!!
   — [Anonymous]

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