How can I make a 100% commitment when the insurance company may pull the rugh out fro

My psych eval was received at my Bariatric Treatment Center today, so hopefully my documentation is complete. I have very positive feelings about being at this point in the process, but I am also emotionally struggling at the same time. I am 100% committed to having RNY surgery, and I am working hard to remain positive and strong, but the "dark cloud" of the insurance approval process is moving in on me. How can WLS candidates make an absolute and total commitment, which they need to do, when the final decision is ultimately not theirs to make?    — Judith A. (posted on June 27, 2001)

June 26, 2001
Hi Judith, I know it's hard but you need to stay focused. Most of us have gone through the gamut of emotions waiting on insurance approval and unfortunately that process can be very trying to say the least, but you have to remember the light at the end of the tunnel. You have to remember the reason you started the process in the first place, think about the quality of life you live now and compare it to what is to come post surgery. You have to find that inner strength and fight if you must, unless you don't think WLS is worth fighting for. And I don't believe that you do think so. This site is a superb one, and the members are just as wonderful. There is so much support here for you, it's as if you are a part of a huge family. Some may say they even get more out of this family than their own, in terms of support. There's no reason to go it alone, we are here for you. You can read my profile if you wish and see the struggle I went through for approval, and others have gone through worse. I couldn't have done it though without this site. Feel free to e-mail me at any time, I will respond. Chin up and keep the faith. {{{{You}}}}
   — dandjon

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