i'm having these pains in my legs and don't know what it is...

hi there, i went to the doctor and all she gave me was over the counter pain med. (tylenol)(sp) i dont think i got it across to here. i thought i did. these pains keep me up at night it feels like my legs keep jerking and i can't control them.. has anyone ever dealt with this? please any input would be great    — enriqueta C. (posted on June 22, 2001)

June 21, 2001
Hi, it sounds like you might have restless leg syndrome. I get this alot also. I can't sleep because of achy, jerky legs. I usually end up taking a bath in hot water with bath salts and massaging my legs. I have been told that it can have to do with not enough potassium. Try to eat some foods high in potassium (bananas are the best). Hope that this helps. If you have more questions, feel free to e-mail me personally. Your WLS friend.
   — Tere F.

June 21, 2001
What it sounds like you have to me is "Restless Leg Syndrome" If you research this you will see that one of the symtoms of RLS is uncontrolable movements of the legs, a creepy crawling sensation, (almost like if you have bugs under the skin), and sometimes a sun burn feeling. The symtoms get worse while at rest, like sleeping, sitting or while driving. There are medications used for this. My father has RLS, which he did not know what it was for many years, as did not his doctor as well. I stummbled across RLS while i was trying to research leg pain for my self and said wow! this is what my father is always complaining about! All these years he thought he was the only one. well he is not, and you are not. go to the web and type in Restless Leg Syndrome, you should find alot about this subject and print it out and bring it to your doctor and say "see! this is what i am experiencing." My father is going to do the same thing because she always told him it was just his nerves. Well i hope this helps! take care~

June 22, 2001
Hi - I am 3 weeks post-op and am currently suffering from the same thing!! I have a call into my surgeon's office to see if I need to do anything...i/e, possible go to ER to be rehydrated or for some potassium...I will post what he recommends...however, you should also call your doctor....Good Luck, Karan
   — chance2lv

November 23, 2001
11/22/01 I went for nearly a year waking up many times during the night due to the ache in my legs. I thought it was due to my arthritus. I had even convinced my rheumatoligist to put me on another medication. When low and behold during a well women check up, my gp found that I had low potassium. I started taking potassium to bring me up to a acceptable level and noticed that the ache in my legs had gone away and I was finally sleeping through the night again. I now buy it at the grocery store and take it everyday. And boy do I SLEEP!
   — [Anonymous]

November 23, 2001
I am a year out, and I remember having trouble with aching legs and cramps..all due to low potassium AND a lack of calcium...get some Citrical and take them more leg cramps..honest..worked great for me....
   — Cathy H.

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