When can I color my hair?

Hi, I am 3 months post-op, and have lost 90 pounds so far, and I feel so good about myself. I never really color my hair, but I am so sick of my hairstyle and would like to do something else with my hair. I would like to get a short cut style and color it. Is it ok to color my hair only 3 months out? I have not started to lose my hair yet, and I try to get all my protein in a day. Should I wait, or is it safe to do it now? Thanks!    — Valerie D. (posted on June 17, 2001)

June 17, 2001
I colored my hair at 3 weeks post op and have not had any problems. Open rny 5-15-01 down 20 pounds
   — Robin C.

June 17, 2001
I colored my hair at about 7 weeks post op (2 weeks ago) and haven't had any problems and don't expect to. As long as you aren't having hair loss then it should be okay. I asked my hairdresser to look to see if I was having any hair loss before she colored it. You deserve to treat yourself. Congratulations on your success.
   — [Anonymous]

June 17, 2001
I colored my hair at 4 weeks post op and haven't had any problems. I am now 7 weeks post op. I plan to continue coloring my hair every six weeks or so as I have done for years.
   — Liz G.

June 17, 2001
Congrats on your fantastic weight loss ... you go girl! I colored my hair about 6 weeks post and about every 6-8 weeks since then. I did lose some hair from month 3-6, but it has slowed down a lot now (I am 7 months post). I don't think the hair color had anything to do with the hair loss ... my surgeon says the hair loss is from the shock and stress of surgery and rapid weight loss. I think this is true, because I have been pretty conscientious about my supplements and get plenty of protein and vitamins and I still had moderate hair loss. Fortunately, I had thick hair to begin with, so I didn't have any bald spots. I think if you are going to lose hair, it is going to happen no matter what you do ... so you it might as well be a nice color! The hair loss is temporary and it does grow back .... sometimes thicker than before. The hair I have left looks great ... silky and shiny. Good luck!
   — Lynn T.

June 17, 2001
The only thing I would highly suggest is to go to a GOOD hairdresser. Don't do any coloring yourself, otherwise you might turn up with a color you don't want or can't wash out. Good for you for wanting to change along with your weight! Go for it!!! and take pictures for this site...we want to see the new you! 8-)
   — Betty Todd

June 18, 2001
I colored my hair also at three weeks post op with no problems. I would have done it earlier but was to tired. ;)
   — Danmark

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