ATTN: Doctors, or anyone - What could these strange bits from my throat be?

OK. This is alittle embarrassing and gross. I have had these mysterious things that come up from my throat that are waxy-looking, whitish-beige in color, they're small and cratered looking (looks like a miniature asteroid!), and they SMELL REALLY BAD. I don't believe it has anything to do w/ my WLS which I had on 5/21/01 (open distal RNY) because I used to get this once in a while before surgery. My sister said she gets those things once in a while too (she never had WLS, only gallbladder removal). Anyway, I haven't had them in some time but now they're back. Its like, I can feel that something is in my throat, and when I cough, they come up. WHAT IN THE WORLD CAN THESE THINGS BE?! They're disgusting!    — lalasmommy (posted on June 13, 2001)

June 13, 2001
I think what you are describing is from your tonsils. The tonsils filter out infection and create these hard nugget like formations. It really isn't anything to worry about, and in fact I guess it is a sign that your tonsils are doing their job!
   — [Anonymous]

June 13, 2001
I think what you are describing is a food bolus. You may want to search the Internet for a better definition, but basically it means a mass of food. Probably working its way back up, is all. Happened to me after I had my appendectomy. Good Luck!
   — Allie B.

June 13, 2001
They are from your tonsils. My tonsils were heavily pitted from an accident and years of severe tonsilitis. Those little bits would hide in the crevices and occasionally come out, or I could actually pick them out with a toothpick. I have no idea what they are exactly, some combination of food bits trapped in the tonsil area, something like ear wax? I do know that when my tonsils were removed a few years ago, the problem stopped! Kate
   — kateseidel

June 13, 2001
your tonsils break down bacteria and thats the finished product, if it's excessive you should see your doctor, it could be a sign of infection.
   — [Anonymous]

June 13, 2001
Finally...I have an answer. I have had these things for over 15 years. I only get them every few months...I'll cough up a few, then nothing for 3 or 4 months. I always thought I was wierd. Everyone I asked about them would look at me funny. That is so wierd to finally know what they are.
   — imano1momy

June 13, 2001
Hi There. FINALLY someone else has experienced this. Though, i'm sorry to hear it! I get very, very bad sinus infections. To the point where I cannot talk for weeks at a time. Once I was talking and all of a sudden I felt something break loose from the the end of my nasal passage and fall into my throught. Being extremly inquizative, I popped it out and looked at it. It looked like a huge, green, cottage cheese consistency ASTERIOD. It smelled TERRIBLE. I called the Doc right away he said "prepare for a sinus infection" - and low and behold two days later I got one. My mom also told me when i was a child I had problems with STREP throught and tonsilitis constantly and used to bring up the same types of icky stuff.
   — Trisha V.

June 14, 2001
Hey, I get those too. They've gotten worse in the past couple years and they're so icky. Someone told me it might be thrush. No, not thrush, don't freak out. I actually asked my doctor because I know they give me bad breath. She told me, as others have said, not to worry, it's just your tonsils, nothing to worry about. She said that I could rinse with saltwater or a mouthwash and really try to get the fluid in there and "knock them loose". She recommended using a Q-tip to get them out. However, I'm like a previous poster, I go for the toothpick. If I get the light just right I can get a good look at them and get them out once they get big enough and situated right. It is very annoying and I hate thinking I might have bad breath and not realize it. Brushing your teeth doesn't help because the smell is coming from behind them. I'm so glad to see all the posts about this. We are all in this together. :)
   — kcanges

June 14, 2001
Hi! I just wanted to add my two cents worth--and that's probably all it is worth!! :-) Anyway, according to doctors' that I have been to, those "things" can be one of two things--1)just bits of food, etc. that have gotten caught in pits of your that case, nothing to worry about. 2) (and this was my problem) indication of an infection. I had these "things" and it was, in me, an indication of either a sinus infection or, more often than not, strep throat. I had my tonsils out and now I no longer have those granules and no more strep. My tonsils were just nasty.....if you are running a fever or have a really sore throat, you should see your doctor about them. If not, just pick 'em out. :-) ((((HUGS))))
   — Sharon N.

June 14, 2001
I just couldn't help but post. YUCKO!!! As many posts as we see where somebody warns about something "gross", this by far has grossed me out the most...not that I won't live through it :-). I don't think I've ever appreciated the fact that I had my tonsils taken out when I was 7, but I sure do now!!
   — tlg6056

June 14, 2001
I have this same problem, and thought I was a freak!! My dentist of all people, asked me about them, because when he cleaned my teeth, he could see them on my tonsils, asking if I was sick with strep. I asked my doc about it, and he told me that it is similar to plaque build up on your teeth. Smells just the same. It's harmless, and you have nothing to worry about.......
   — Deborah P.

June 14, 2001
I had the same thing happen to me, it happened whil;e I was taking Phen Phenn. The next week I found out I was 6 weeks pregnant and stopped the PhenPhenn. I had a healthy 8 pounds 21 inch baby boy.
   — Heather C.

June 19, 2001
The tonsils contain many pits and pockets...called cyrpts. These, in some people, tend to become impacted with white foul-smelling(especially to the owner) debris that is composed of bacteria and dead cells. It may cause a low grade intermittent sore throat. Antibiotics are only transiently helpful. Some people will use various mechanical picks and swabs to attempt removal. The only consistent cure is a tonsillectomy.... although the problem often is minor enough that no therapy is necessary.
   — [Anonymous]

January 25, 2002
OK, I'm going to answer my own question because I FINALLY found out the medical name for these disgusting suckers. Hopefully this will be helpful to you guys out there who wrote saying that you get the same thing. These things are called TONSILLOLITHS. You can read about them on They also refer to them as "tonsil stones" but medically they are called tonsilloliths. I was so thrilled to finally have a medical name for them rather than referring to them as just "things stuck in my throat". Anyway, explains that you get these tonsilloliths from repeated infections of the tonsils. My dentist told me the other day that the tonsils enlarge when there is an infection present because they're fighting the infection but in some people they don't shrink back after the infection is gone but they just stay enlarged. Then you get these pockets/crypts which trap these stones for a while until it loosens and you either cough it up or swallow it (YUK!). So, as many of you mentioned, I may be looking at surgery for getting my tonsils removed which I'm all scared about. But these things are so gross and annoying that I know it's something I want to do.
   — lalasmommy

January 25, 2002
My husband tried to explain these gross things to me....I looked at him like an alien...of course, I haven't had my tonsils since I was 6. He will be so happy with this explaination. ANd why I never "got" it. We are a fountain of information about mundane and gross body issues, aren't we?
   — M. A. B.

September 2, 2009
I don't know if you are still suffering from this issue since you wrote this post back in 2001, but I had the same issue prior to me even considering RYN. I went to an ENT the little white spots are calcium deposits. THey are harmless but I could have my tonsils removed. Which I did, however, for about a year after the surgery it always felt like something was still in my throat. It went away for a while and now since having RYN surgery less than a month ago. I have started to feel that something in back in my throat again and have sever bad breath. My kids don't even want to kiss me! I hope that your situation has worked out!
   — Lauren M.

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