Can you drink grapfruit?

Hey guys a problem. has anyone ever heard of drinking grapfruit juice will help in weightloss i know it has quiet a bit of cals.please help me out..35pds gone..    — Sandra B. (posted on June 7, 2001)

June 6, 2001
Over the years, the "grapefruit diet" has surfaced many times.... the theory being that grapefruit and grapefruit juice would speed up the metabolism and therefore help the body to burn calories more efficiently. Probably, weight loss more likely occurred with this diet because grapefruit is relatively low in calories and the folks trying this diet were also motivated temporarily to cut their total calorie intake for awhile. Unfortunately, as most of us know, these diets are only "quick fixes", and hardly ever the "solution". WLS patients in general are asked to focus on high protein, fewer calories, and eating less. RNY patients must also dramatically cut back on fats and sugars. One of the "learning experiences" for me was to start thinking about the "value" of the foods I was eating.....trying to concentrate on protein-containing foods and eliminating items with "empty calories". Grapefruit juice is relatively low in calories, and is a source of carbohydrates and some vitamin content, but no protein. It may satisfy your thirst or your taste buds or serve as a substitute for something with high calorie content, but I don't think there is any "magic" associated with it in terms of speeding up weight loss post-op. 35 lbs. is a GREAT weight sounds as if you're doing beautifully with or without grapefruit juice! Good luck!
   — Diana T.

June 7, 2001
I too, have heard that the grapfruit diet is helpful in losing weight. However, I was recently prescribed a new medication and there was a specific warning to NOT drink grapefruit juice or eat grapefruit while taking this medication. Please be sure to check with your MD or pharmacist before adding grapefruit to your diet. Good luck.
   — [Anonymous]

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