MI Blue Cross/Blue Shield will not preapprove surgery for anyone. Suggestions?

As of the year 2000, Blue Cross/Blue shield of MI will not preapprove RNY for anyone. My surgeon said the Bariatric Treatment Center's insurance review dept will give "in-house" approval as they know what the insurance company requirements are. I am confident the personnel in this dept know how to do their job well, but the "what ifs" are giving me nightmares. Facing the possibility of being responsible for a $30-50,000 medical bill is a hard reality check. Is there anyone who has had to face this same issue? I sure could use some advice.    — Judith A. (posted on May 31, 2001)

May 31, 2001
BTC does not do self pay from my understanding. So I don't think they would do it if they weren't sure of coverage.
   — Judy K.

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