will it matter if i am having my period for surgery?

My surgery is on tuesday and my period started today. Is this going to cause any problems for me? will they cancel surgery because of it? I am almost in a panic over this. I am thinking of all the things that could happen to screw up my having the wls.    — [Anonymous] (posted on May 20, 2001)

May 20, 2001
No it will not affect anything. Mine started immediately after my surgery. I am so glad I took pads with me. Good luck. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
   — Tere F.

May 20, 2001
The same thing happened to me and I also was just as worried as you. I had my surgery last month. All I can say is that after surgery you really won't care that you have your period and either will the doctors or nurses. Everything will be fine. Best of luck to you.
   — cheryl F.

May 20, 2001
I had the same situation. I had my surgery 3 weeks ago tomorrow and I started my period the day before. I took pads with me and after the surgery it lightened up and stopped much quicker than usual. As the others have said, the nurses have seen it all and dealt with a lot worse situations.
   — Liz G.

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